here’s what you need to know

here’s what you need to know
here’s what you need to know

Have you ever heard of Hyalomma lusitanicum? This “giant tick” native to Africa, Southeast Asia and southern Europe has recently been observed in France, Germany, Sweden and England. The fault, according to researchers, is climate upheaval…

The giant tick can (also) transmit Lyme disease

From the same family as the “classic” tick (Ixodida), the “giant tick” is however 4 times larger than its cousin: easily visible to the naked eye, it measures 5 millimeters before feeding, and up to 1 centimeter after a blood meal. The problem ? Like the “classic” tick, the “giant tick” is likely to carry the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. This can cause Lyme disease when it infects a human being via the bite of a contaminated tick. For the moment, Hyalomma lusitanicum has only been observed in Corsica and around the Mediterranean (in Bouches-du-Rhône in 2022, for example).

How to prevent tick bites?

How to protect yourself against the “giant tick”? Effective prevention measures against “classic” ticks apply against Hyalomma lusitanicum: when going for a walk, it is recommended to wear long clothes with closed ends, to opt for closed and high shoes, to wear a hat and (above all) to inspect your body carefully upon returning home! I caught a (…)

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