These 14 foods help reduce hot flashes and lose weight, according to an expert

These 14 foods help reduce hot flashes and lose weight, according to an expert
These 14 foods help reduce hot flashes and lose weight, according to an expert

Monitoring your diet is essential during menopause to avoid gaining weight. But did you know that eating smart could also reduce your hot flashes and even help you lose weight? An expert reveals which foods to favor on your plate for this.

The disorders of the menopause can be more or less annoying and well tolerated depending on the woman, as specified by Ameli health insurance, which adds that it becomes necessary “to listen more to your body and focus on a better lifestyle”. A golden rule that concerns notably food that you need to review to get through menopause well. Among the most common discomforts during this unavoidable period in women’s lives is thinning hair., weight gain focused on the abdominal strap and the hot flashes. They all have one thing in common: they can be reduced when you adopt a redesigned diet during menopause.

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To reduce hot flashes due to menopause, Christelle Gaworecka, nutrition and menopause expert, explains to us that we must limit the consumption of certain inflammatory foods, because they will promote these famous hot flashes. The expert cites in particular red meat, meats enjoyed during barbecues, cold meats, refined sugar (candies, etc.), industrial cereals and muesli, pasta made from wheat flour, white bread, fried foods, but also drinks such as coffee, tea, alcohol and sodas. Fortunately, we can also consume larger quantities of other foods, which in turn will be anti-inflammatory foods.

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Menopause: these foods that help reduce hot flashes

The anti-inflammatory foods to favor are foods that will calm inflammation present in the body, which will improve the well-being of women going through menopause. The expert specifies that these are basifying, alkanizing, antacid foods, which “pamper the digestive system” and improve digestion. Among these useful foods to eat during menopause, Christelle Gaworecka cites:

  • white meat
  • fish (even fatty)
  • eggs
  • the fruits
  • green leafy vegetables (spinach, salad, watercress, fennel, cabbage, lettuce, chard
  • cereals and particularly millet (a cereal rich in iron)
  • spices (including cumin, turmeric, paprika, ginger)
  • very remineralizing aromatic herbs such as basil, coriander, parsley
  • sweet potatoes
  • the potatoes
  • coconut water
  • alkanizing sparkling waters
  • honey
  • yacon sugar

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Menopause: an anti-inflammatory diet that also helps you lose weight

If you change your diet and get into the habit of eating these anti-inflammatory foods, you should also know that these new eating habits will allow you to unlock weight loss during menopause, a period when we often try to lose weight. taken under the effect of this hormonal upheaval.

Foods that create inflammation in the body are also those that “slow weight loss by acidifying the digestive system”, explains Christelle Gaworecka. So by reducing their consumption, you also promote your weight loss. Likewise, anti-inflammatory foods improve digestion, “and when it is well digested, it is less stored” specifies the expert. Good intestinal health is, in fact, essential to continue to “burn maximum fat thanks to optimal digestion” she also notes, in the caption of her post. Note, however, that no food should be banned, you just need to review the frequency and quantities of foods to reduce.

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