Practicing physical activity is essential!


“A sedentary lifestyle is a scourge,” doctors unanimously denounce. Physical activity prevents the onset of diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis, cardiovascular conditions, etc. It is also the best “medicine” against stress. So, it’s never too early or too late to get started!

Nationally, the burden of chronic diseases continues to increase: 21 million people are affected, with a cost for Health Insurance of 86 billion euros (or 61% of health expenditure). However, it is estimated that if more than a million physically inactive French people reached the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), i.e. 150 minutes of weekly physical activity of moderate intensity for adults, more 250 million euros in expenses would thus be saved each year.

To stay healthy

Physical exercise actually helps us get sick less, notes Inserm in a study. “During exercise, the lungs are stimulated, our breathing intensifies, allowing us to stock up on oxygen, and during this time, we also increase our white blood cell count,” explain the researchers. Blood circulation is improved, which leads to better circulation of immune system cells throughout the body. » These cells are the ones that treat infections. Thus, a physically active person more rarely experiences an upper respiratory tract infection (URTI), such as sore throat or sinusitis.

In addition, prevention through physical activity reduces the risk of stroke by “20 to 60%, the risk of type 2 diabetes by 45% and
from 20 to 50% the risks of cancer (reduction of 17 to 27% for those of the breast, endometrium, colon)”, explains Doctor Denys Barrault, sports doctor and former chief physician of the National Institute of sport and physical education (Insep). In cancer patients, for example, adapted sport significantly reduces fatigue and the unwanted side effects of treatments. It can also reduce the risk of a breast or colon tumor coming back by 40 to 60 percent.

Fighting obesity among young people

However, at present, the situation of young people aged 11 to 17 is extremely worrying. Nearly 50% of them move less than 20 minutes a day, when they should be active for at least an hour, according to the WHO. Children and adolescents spend on average between three and four hours a day in front of a screen. However, a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity are two risk factors that combine to degrade health.

“We need to encourage them to move: run, walk, jump, dance, play ball, slide, cycle, etc.,” advises Dr. Barrault. To motivate children and teenagers, the best thing is to set an example and practice with them. Physical exercise is also an excellent way to combat obesity in young people. In France, almost a quarter of 8-17 year olds are now overweight.

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