Food: These five foods are very bad for your morale

The temptation to eat unhealthy foods is often great and we can end up regretting it, to the point of finding ourselves with low morale. And there is indeed a cause and effect relationship. Because, if certain foods, such as fermented foods, red fruits and dark chocolate, are precursors of psychological well-being, others, on the other hand, can be truly harmful to the mind, especially in the long term.

It is therefore better to give up certain foods, even if it can be extremely tempting to succumb to them, and replace them with healthier variants. A large study shows that a person who eats large amounts of nutrient-rich foods is less depressed, happier and better off.

Sweet foods provide an instant feeling of happiness. Everyone has already experienced it when biting into a square of chocolate. Unfortunately, the sugar they contain also causes bad moods. Worse still, a British study has highlighted a link between regular consumption of sugar and certain psychological disorders which can in particular cause depression or anxiety disorders in the long term. In the short term, sugar can also cause bad mood. Indeed, the initial spike in blood sugar levels is often followed by an even more sudden drop in blood sugar, which is likely to lead to irritability and a drop in mood.

Considered comfort food, pizza, fries and other fried chicken wings may provide a feeling of well-being in the short term, but they are extremely harmful to the mind. And for good reason, the trans fatty acids contained in highly processed foods are responsible for inflammation in the body, as specialists point out. They therefore have a negative effect on the intestinal microbiome, which can go hand in hand with a bad mood. American researchers have discovered a potential link between highly processed foods and depression.

People who decide to give up sugar often resort to synthetic sweeteners found in sodas, for example. Wrongly, because as a study shows, synthetic sweeteners cause brain dysfunction linked to the appearance of depression. This could in particular be explained by the fact that synthetic sweeteners have an unfavorable impact on the transmission of signals in the brain.

For many, coffee is THE stimulant par excellence. And there’s nothing wrong with it. In fact, the coffee is beneficial for health and can even extend life expectancy, provided you do not abuse it. If consumed excessively, caffeine can overly stimulate the nervous system and cause cortisol levels to rise. Cortisol is the stress hormone, likely to cause nervousness, agitation and sleep problems… and therefore have a negative impact on general well-being.

If you thought you were doing yourself good by eating a piece of white bread or a plate of pasta, think again! Because these foods are rich in carbohydrates. These cause spikes in blood sugar, followed by even greater drops in energy. Enough to lower your mood for sure. It is therefore preferable to consume foods based on whole grains which have a long-term satiating effect.

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