A solidarity makeup stand to raise awareness of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

A solidarity makeup stand to raise awareness of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
A solidarity makeup stand to raise awareness of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

The stand will offer solidarity face painting sessions, offering festival-goers a pleasant experience while spreading important messages on FASD prevention. The makeup will be offered against a donation, allowing the association to continue its prevention missions in colleges and support for vulnerable women and families. At the same time, an awareness spot specially designed to raise public awareness of the dangers of alcohol consumption during pregnancy will be broadcast on the festival screens between each concert.

SAF and TCAF are major problems, affecting around 17,000 people from Reunion. These disorders, which are entirely preventable, can lead to serious physical, mental and behavioral disabilities. Through this stand and these awareness initiatives, it is hoped to reach at least 10,000 festival-goers in a fun and engaged way, in order to reduce the number of new cases.

Denis Lamblin, President of SAF France, declares: “Our presence at SAKIFO is a unique opportunity to raise awareness among a wide audience. It is essential that everyone becomes aware of the risks linked to alcohol consumption during pregnancy and the importance of prevention. To significantly reduce cases of FAS, it is urgent that each actor, whether public or private, take up this subject and act to prevent this public health problem.”



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