An upsurge in cases of whooping cough in Quebec

An upsurge in cases of whooping cough in Quebec
An upsurge in cases of whooping cough in Quebec

The number of cases of whooping cough among children is increasing in Quebec.

• Read also: Marked increase in active cases of whooping cough in Chaudière-Appalaches

• Read also: Significant increase in cases of whooping cough in Estrie

There are currently 1,171 confirmed cases of this highly contagious disease and 305 probable cases in the province.

“We have quite a few consultations from people who fear having symptoms or who have been in contact, especially at school, and some of these cases are actually positive. We see a certain number of them, so it shows in our clinic on a daily basis,” reports Dr. Benoit Heppell, family doctor, in an interview with TVA Nouvelles.

The Estrie and Chaudière-Appalaches regions are the most affected by this increase in infections.

“The difficulty right now is that, besides whooping cough, there are lots of different things that cause coughs and flu-like symptoms,” says Dr. Mher Barbarian, medical director at UP pediatric emergency center. .

Allergy season, in particular, contributes to many people having prolonged coughs.

Particular cough

A cough caused by a whooping cough infection can be recognized by the sound it makes.

“Whooping cough has a particularity in that it is a coughing fit following which there is a heavy sigh, difficulty breathing,” says Dr. Barbarian.

The Quebec government specifies, on its website, that “after a coughing fit, the infected person can, when inhaling, emit a noise reminiscent of a rooster crowing.”

Other symptoms of whooping cough include low-grade fever, runny nose, and red eyes with watery eyes.

This disease is notifiable and can be dangerous for babies under two months old.

Vaccination booster delays

Health professionals notice that some small patients are late on their booster dose of whooping cough vaccine.

This lack of attendance could in particular be caused by weariness due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, health professionals point out that it is important that vaccinations are up to date because it is the best means of protection against whooping cough.

Each year, Quebec has between 240 and 1,600 cases of whooping cough.



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