A week of Mediterranean menus

A week of Mediterranean menus
A week of Mediterranean menus

Eating Mediterranean every day keeps the doctor away? The Mediterranean diet (or Cretan) is based on fresh and seasonal products, excluding industrial products. He favors fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dried vegetables, fish (especially fats), “good” fats (from vegetable oils) and dried fruits. On the contrary, it limits meats, dairy products (except goat and sheep), refined and processed products (breakfast cereals, prepared meals, etc.).

Among the advantages of the Cretan diet we find a variety of foods to include in foods, many of which are of plant origin. It is of high nutritional quality, rich in fiber (for the balance of intestinal transit), vitamins and minerals. Thanks to its contribution of unsaturated fatty acids, this type of diet provides Omega 3which limit the occurrence of accidents or cardiovascular diseases and have a positive effect on the maintenance of mental health.

How to cook Mediterranean dishes?

It is recommended to cook your dishes with olive oil (well known around the Mediterranean) rather than with butter, rich in saturated fatty acids that are more harmful to the body. Furthermore, spices and herbs can enhance all types of dishes…

Favor gentle cooking rather than frying and cooking at high temperatures, which denature foods. We therefore prefer steam cooking and, at best, consumption of raw fruits and vegetables.

Weekly Mediterranean diet

A typical day based on the Mediterranean diet might fit this pattern:

Breakfast : 1 dairy product (sheep’s yogurt, goat’s cheese for example) + 2 slices of wholemeal bread + 1 fresh fruit + 1 hot drink (light coffee or tea).

Lunch : 1 cold or hot starter + 1 portion of fish (or meat) + 1 portion of cooked or raw vegetables (or starchy vegetables) + 1 dairy product or 1 fruit + wholemeal bread.

Snack or snack (optional): 1 fruit + 1 slice of wholemeal bread.

Dinner : 1 hot or cold starter + 1 portion of cooked or raw vegetables (or starchy vegetables) + 1 dairy product or 1 fruit + wholemeal bread.

Here are some ideas for typically Mediterranean dishes spread over a week.



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