Where do mental ruminations come from?

Where do mental ruminations come from?
Where do mental ruminations come from?

The notion of mental rumination, or overthinking in English, refers to thoughts that come back in a loop and that we have difficulty controlling. These thoughts, linked to the past or the future, can strongly affect daily life since they are often a Source of fatigue, or even psychological suffering. Ruminating can also trap us in a vicious circle from which it is sometimes difficult to escape. However, it is important to find solutions to get out of rumination in order to free the mind from these parasitic thoughts which can have a real impact on mental health.

Some people seem more prone to suffering from mental ruminations, although it can actually affect everyone, men, women, young adults, seniors… Generally, people with anxiety disorders are the most affected. When a problem arises, they will try to “over” think to find a solution to this problem. Fear, anxiety, generalized anxiety, difficulty managing emotions are all possible causes of mental rumination. This phenomenon is inscribed in our reptilian brain and allows us to react through reflection in the event of a problem. For some, however, this reflex seems to be somewhat blocked, which causes a vicious circle from which it can be difficult to escape.

Researchers have long believed that rumination is a symptom caused by depression. Recent studies show (…)

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