Keto diet: myth or reality for weight loss by favoring fats? –

Keto diet: myth or reality for weight loss by favoring fats? –
Keto diet: myth or reality for weight loss by favoring fats? –

The Keto, or ketogenic, diet is attracting growing interest as a method of weight loss. Favored by many celebrities and fitness enthusiasts, it offers a unique approach focused on high fat consumption and restriction of carbohydrates. But what about its effectiveness and its risks?

The Basics of the Keto Diet

THE keto diet relies on a drastic reduction in carbohydrate intake, while lipids constitute the main Source of energy. By limiting carbohydrate intake to less than 50 grams per day, the body enters a metallic state called ketosis, where fat is burned for energy. This approach promotes the consumption of foods rich in healthy fats, such as avocados, fatty fish and vegetable oils, while excluding sugars, grains and legumes.

Putting the keto diet into practice

To adopt the keto diet, it is essential to plan your meals carefully, favoring foods low in carbohydrates and high in fat. Protein should also be consumed in moderation to maintain nutritional balance. Low-carb fruits and vegetables are allowed, but their consumption must be controlled to stay in ketosis.

What are the risks ?

Although the keto diet may lead to rapid weight loss through ketosis, its long-term effects remain subject to debate. Some argue that severely restricting carbohydrates can be difficult to maintain over the long term and can lead to nutritional deficiencies. Additionally, initial side effects such as headaches and fatigue may deter some individuals from continuing this diet, especially those with fragile health.



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