Foods to eat if you feel like snacking

Around 4 p.m., it’s not uncommon to get a craving. The craving is that little hunger pang that pushes us to snack between meals. It can be caused by a lack of energy, stress, or simply the habit of eating at certain times. To remedy this, it is often advisable to opt for healthy snacks.


Above all, be sure to brush aside certain preconceived ideas. “Many people say it’s best to drink a glass of water when you have a craving. That’s not true, it doesn’t work, even when you put lemon in it. It could work for four to five seconds. No more,” assures nutritionist Jean-Michel Cohen.

Here are the foods to eat if you have a craving

According to the expert, some foods are more filling than others. “In case of cravings, the products that will most kill your appetite are raw vegetables, that is to say fiber, fruits, which contain a little sugar, hard-boiled eggs which are extremely filling, but also cottage cheese, preferably lean which is high in protein and which will also help ensure satiety,” concludes Jean-Michel Cohen.

These 3 fruits would instantly stop the urge to snack



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