Stress is the cause of dizziness: doctors explain why –

Stress is the cause of dizziness: doctors explain why –
Stress is the cause of dizziness: doctors explain why –

Vertigo, these confusing episodes of dizziness, are much more complex according to health professionals. Beyond the obvious physical causes, these ephemeral torments are actually caused by stress. But what would be the link between stress and dizziness? And how could we soothe these sometimes mysterious symptoms? Here are the answers from our doctors.

Manifesting as an illusion of movement in the environment, or in ourselves, vertigo remains a disconcerting experience. While various underlying factors like balance issues and infections are the cause, the stress would also be a trigger. Indeed, this state of nervousness and tension is not confined to the borders of the mind.

Stress, a brain disruptor

THE stress can disrupt your balance in multiple ways, says neurology expert. “Stress hormones, such as cortisol, can trigger neuronal interference and cause disruptions in our vestibular system; a complex network linked to the inner ear and which plays a crucial role in our sense of balance.” This direct influence can cause feelings of dizziness and vertigo, creating a tangible connection between our mental and physical states.

In reality, the areas of the brain responsible for balance and stress share anatomical proximity, resulting in fertile ground for interaction. For anxious people, this proximity can intensify balance problems. The brain, torn between the management of sensory information and the impacts of stress, can find himself overwhelmed, which accentuates the prevalence of dizziness. Awareness of this connection therefore opens up fascinating perspectives since it highlights the importance of considering stress, not only as a mental burden, but also as an influential player in our physical well-being.

But then, how can you relieve these symptoms?

To reduce the risk of dizziness associated with stress, it will be necessary to address the underlying problem, namely the stress itself. In addition to management, understanding chronic stress is essential. As a result, certain telltale signs should be noted: insomnia, headaches, difficulty concentrating, decision-making problems, feelings of pain and aches, irritability, increased hunger or loss appetite, as well as increased consumption of alcohol or tobacco.

Improving lifestyle can play a crucial role in reducing chronic stress. If necessary, it is recommended to consult a health professional or psychologist to obtain appropriate support. But what to do in case of dizziness?

5 tips to combat dizziness

– Sit or lie down immediately as soon as dizziness occurs to promote faster recovery.

– Determine the main triggers for dizziness at the time of its onset, taking into account possible factors such as noisy or hectic environments.

– Gradually reaccustom yourself to triggered situations and consider gradual confrontation to facilitate adaptation instead of completely avoiding these contexts.

– Surround yourself with the support of those close to you, making sure you always have someone nearby to help you if the dizziness persists.

– Remember that the situation is probably temporary, often these temporary symptoms can be managed with a suitable strategy.

When should you consult a doctor?

If dizziness becomes recurrent or is accompanied by serious symptoms such as persistent and intense migraines, fever, general fatigue, loss of consciousness or visual disturbances, medical consultation is essential. These manifestations may actually mask more serious underlying problems that require further evaluation. Vigilance is crucial to ensure early diagnosis in order to guide treatment.

Also read: How to fight stress?



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