a large-scale awareness day on cardiovascular risks

a large-scale awareness day on cardiovascular risks
a large-scale awareness day on cardiovascular risks

This Saturday, May 25, throughout the day, the Place d’Armes in Valenciennes will host a major day of prevention and awareness on cardiovascular risks.

This Saturday, May 25, the Place d’Armes in Valenciennes will host the Cardiovascular Risk Information Day organized by the CPTS (Territorial Professional Health Community) and the hospital center. For what ? Quite simply because in the territory of Greater Valenciennes, the share of deaths of cardiovascular origin amounts to 25%, to be found in second position behind cancers.

This Saturday, all day in Valenciennes

Tobacco, diabetes, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome are the main causes linked to cardiovascular disease. Half of deaths are due to heart failure which “mainly affects patients over 70 years old“. “ However, the number of patients aged 36 to 50 affected by this disease has increased by 20% since 2010. The main causes are obesity, a sedentary lifestyle and smoking. In the region, excess mortality compared to mainland France is +40% », Explains the CPTS of Valenciennes.

A quarter of deaths in the territory are linked to coronary artery disease (MI). The risk factors are superimposed on those of heart failure. Excess mortality is 30% compared to the rest of France. Risky behavior increases as the situation of precariousness increases. The data concerning cerebrovascular diseases (stroke) are in the same proportions as those for coronary heart disease. They are, moreover, the leading cause of disability. »

In more detail, one in two adults is overweight and one in five is obese. The prevalence of diabetes is 30% higher than in mainland France and excess mortality linked to tobacco fluctuates between 25 and 45%. », continues the CPTS of Valenciennes, co-chaired by Doctor Jacques Franzoni. “ In total, there is one preventable death per day linked to cardiovascular disease in our territory. We must mobilize! », summarizes the CPTS of Valenciennes.

Thus, this Saturday, May 25, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the Place d’Armes, it will be possible to explore an inflatable artery to understand the mechanisms behind the appearance of a heart attack, to understand the accessibility of patient care in disability, to discover simple and healthy recipes to make by children, to participate in an “Acting for the hearts of women” course, to participate in a weight gain/old age simulation course, to practice sport with local sports associations (and in particular health rugby with the House)…

But also to take part in first aid training with the SMUR teams, to enjoy sport by riding a smoothie bike, to discover the “Petit Cœur de Beurre” association on childhood cardiomyopathy, to participate to screening for cardiovascular diseases thanks to local pharmacists and nurses, to understand the work of cardiologists and vascular surgeons, to discover how blocked arteries are treated, or even – for children – to enjoy several activities (merry-go-round by bike, makeup stand, etc.).



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