Everything you need to know about lettuce and its health benefits

Everything you need to know about lettuce and its health benefits
Everything you need to know about lettuce and its health benefits

Lettuce has its origins in the Mediterranean region, but it is widespread throughout the world. The first cultivated lettuce appears in several early writings as a medicinal herb. It has been described as the “herb of eunuchs” in reference to its sedative action on the genital tract, a property which was regularly used
recognized over the centuries and made it a symbol of chastity.

There are different varieties of lettuce consumed in France.

The different varieties of lettuce Lactuca sativa

Lettuce is one of the vegetables most consumed by the French, even if its consumption has declined in recent years (1). In Europe, Spain is the largest producer of lettuce, ahead of Italy and France.

The majority of salads consumed in France are lettuces in the botanical sense of the term, because they come from the Lactuca sativa species. Batavia, romaine, oak leaf, are in fact lettuces (2). The second most consumed fresh salad is chicory, along with frisée and escarole.

Butter or head lettuce

Butter or head lettuce was for a long time the first type cultivated in France, but it faded into second place towards the end of the 20th century. It has globular, dense, smooth and flexible leaves, and adapts to all cultivation methods.

Batavia and Iceberg salad

There batavia proper, or European batavia, became the first type in France in the form of a whole apple, but it is relatively little developed abroad, outside of West Africa. With its curly, crunchy, thick and heavily blistered leaves, this salad presents a fairly flattened apple.

The “crisp” type batavia, often called iceberg, presents a very closed apple (3). Its very crisp leaves have wide veins. Popular in the United States and Great Britain, these salads are widely used in fast food. In France, this type of batavia is mainly used in the production of ready-to-use salad.

Romaine lettuce

With its oblong leaves, this slightly headed lettuce has a conical shape. It is better known in the Mediterranean area and in Florida.

Lettuce to cut: oak leaf, Lollo Rossa

Cutting lettuces are used in mixed salads and baby greens. They include oak leaf and Lollo Rossa salads. Their development is quite recent in France.

Initially these salads were used for culinary decorations, thanks to their attractive foliage. Today they occupy a place in their own right in the range of lettuces.

The oak leaf takes its name from its long, very indented leaves, similar to oak leaves. It exists in golden red and pale green (blonde oak leaf). Modern varieties of oak leaf lettuce are often very dense and are therefore sold like whole plant head lettuces.

Why eat lettuce?

To help with weight control?

Lettuce is about 95% water, so it has a low calorie density, which helps you feel full more quickly. On average, a 100 gram serving of salad provides around 15 kcal (calories) and significantly increases the feeling of satiety. A study of 42 women showed that those who ate a salad at the start of each meal consumed 7 to 12% fewer calories during the meal (4).

For its nutrients

The nutritional values ​​vary depending on the lettuce varieties, but overall these salads are a Source of vitamins, minerals and other molecules (polyphenols, carotenoids, chlorophyll) beneficial to health (5).

However, salads do not retain their nutritional properties well after harvest. British researchers compared the levels of antioxidant flavonoids in several varieties of salad after cutting their leaves and exposing them to light. Verdict: this treatment results in a loss equivalent to 94% of flavonoids for the oak leaf and 25% for the batavia. On the other hand, no loss for the Roman. Light and heat contribute to the reduction of vitamin C levels in salads: up to -50% in one week at room temperature (6).

According to the nutritional values ​​provided by ANSES (CIQUAL tables), we can note an interesting content in:

  • vitamin B9 (folate) : 43.5 μg per 100 g, or more than 20% of the recommended daily intake for an adult. Folates are particularly important during and before pregnancy, for the good neurological development of the embryo;
  • vitamin C : 11.8 mg per 100 g, or nearly 15% of the recommended daily intake for an adult;
  • vitamin K : more than 100% of the recommended daily intake in 100 g. Vitamin K is important for clotting and bone health;
  • potassium : 200 mg per 100 g, or 10% of the recommended daily intake for an adult. Potassium is a mineral essential for the functioning of the body. In particular, it helps prevent high blood pressure and stroke;
  • manganese : 0.4 mg per 100 g, or 20% of the recommended daily intake for an adult. Manganese is an antioxidant mineral.

With a PRAL index of -4.3 mEq/100 g, lettuce is alkalizing: this means that it helps maintain a good acid-base balance in the body, by providing basic elements which help buffer acidity. chronic to which most of us are victims.

A Source of antioxidant molecules

Compared to green lettuce, red lettuce has higher levels of polyphenols, making it a good Source of antioxidants in the daily diet. Red leaf lettuce, richer in carotenoids and flavonoids, has an ORAC index of 2,426, compared to 1,532 for green lettuce (7). Beta-carotenes, present in quantity, are useful for preserving eye and skin health. Note that the consumption of lettuce packaged in a modified atmosphere does not seem to alter its antioxidant capacities (8).

Thanks to this antioxidant potential, lettuce is a food that helps protect the body against attacks of oxidative stress, involved in numerous pathologies, such as atherosclerosis. Due to its antioxidant and potassium content, lettuce is a preferred food for cardiovascular health. It finds its place in a Mediterranean diet.

Lettuce in the garden

Lettuce is an annual and biennial plant in the Asteraceae family (genus Lactuca), with large, tender leaves gathered on a short stem. If you let the lettuce “rise”, small yellow flowers appear.

When to plant lettuce?

Lettuce needs sun but not too much. Cutting lettuces appreciate partial shade. Lettuce fears drought and requires regular watering when it is hot. Apart from these water requirements, lettuces are not very demanding vegetables and can be sown directly in the ground. You can also make seedlings in pots or in a greenhouse and then transplant them.

Spring lettuces are sown in March, summer and autumn lettuces in spring, between April and June (9).

How long does a salad grow?

Lettuce plants take 5 to 7 weeks to grow. They are harvested gradually, head lettuce cannot be stored. For cut lettuces, which do not form heads, the leaves grow back several times (10).

When to harvest salad?

Lettuce is mainly harvested in spring, summer and fall. For winter lettuce, cultivation must be done under cover during cold periods.

Lettuce in cooking: recipes

Lettuce is used to prepare salads, sandwiches, wraps, hamburgers or fajitas. To avoid the risk of contamination with bacteria (Escherichia coli, Listeria, salmonella, etc.), it is advisable to rinse your salad under running water before eating it. Use clean utensils (knife, cutting board) that have not been used to cut meat, fish or eggs. Cut and packaged lettuce is kept cool in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.

With a sauce, it’s better for your health

Do you prefer low-fat seasonings for your salads? Error. Lipids are in fact essential to better absorb the carotenoids present in salads. A team of American researchers verified this by asking 7 volunteers to eat a salad seasoned with 3 different vinaigrettes: fat-free, low-fat, or normal (11). The scientists then measured the level of carotenoids in the plasma of the volunteers.

Result: there were many more carotenoids in the plasma when the salad had been eaten with a sauce rich in fat. The researchers conclude that the bioavailability of carotenoids is improved by lipids. A good reason not to ignore vinaigrette (the Best Way to Eat guide recommends, for a standard vinaigrette, 1 spoon of red wine vinegar, 1 and a half spoon of first-pressed organic rapeseed oil, 1 and a half spoon of organic virgin olive oil first pressed).

Cesar salad

Source : 30 keto bentosby Sophie Gironi

Preparation : 10 minutes
Cooking : 6-8 mins

Ingredients for one person

  • 2 large handfuls of iceberg lettuce
  • 3-4 chicken strips (around 100 g)
  • 2 tbsp. to s. parmesan shavings
  • ½ express keto bread (recipe from the book)
  • 2 tbsp. to s. rapeseed oil
  • 1 C. to s. mayonnaise
  • ½ tsp. to c. garlic powder
  • salt and pepper


Quickly prepare the sauce by mixing the oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder and mayonnaise.

Cook the chicken strips on the grill or in a heavy-based pan. When they are cooked, cut them into 1cm cubes and set aside. Toast 2 slices of keto bread in the toaster then dice them to make croutons.

Arrange the salad with the chicken and croutons.

Spread the parmesan shavings over the salad and drizzle with the sauce.

Macros: Lipids 69 g | Protein 36 g | Carbohydrates 5 g | Ketogenic ratio 2:1 | About 800 calories

Mr. Keto’s surprise burger: “the burger with a tender heart”

Source : FATbulous burgersby Mister Keto

Preparation : 10 minutes
Cooking : 4 mins

Ingredients for one person

  • 1 bread of your choice
  • 1 ground beef steak
  • 40 g mozzarella (preferably in blocks)
  • 1 C. to s. mayonnaise
  • 20 g onion
  • 25 g of tomato
  • A few lettuce leaves
  • Salt and pepper


Divide the steak into two balls, form two fairly thin discs and season.

Insert the mozzarella between the two steaks and seal the edges.

In a hot, unoiled pan, cook everything for 2 minutes per side. Reserve in the pan with the heat off (by the time you prepare the burger, the mozzarella will be perfectly stringy).

Cut the onion and tomato into thin slices.

Spread a generous dose of mayonnaise on each bun, arrange the filling and place the still hot steak in the center.

To go further, read: The science of plant-based eating

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