The CSMF of Corsica calls for urgent reforms to “the specificities and constraints of insularity”

The CSMF of Corsica calls for urgent reforms to “the specificities and constraints of insularity”
The CSMF of Corsica calls for urgent reforms to “the specificities and constraints of insularity”

In a letter addressed to the Director General of the National Health Insurance Fund and to the Minister Delegate in charge of Health, the Confederation of French Medical Unions (CSMF) of Corsica presented a series of proposals to improve the medical situation in Corsica . For 18 months, the CSMF Corsica has been working in close collaboration with private doctors to make their voices heard within the framework of national conventional negotiations. This in-depth work highlights the specificities and constraints linked to insularity, such as medical demography, the attractiveness of the territory and accessibility to care.
In their letter, the CSMF Corsica insists on the importance of “ include Corsica in the convention » national medical system, an essential recognition of island specificities. They demand a “revaluation with immediate application of the general medicine consultation at €30” to attract more practitioners to the island. They also call for the immediate revaluation of complex consultations and the opening of 100% accumulation of consultations and technical procedures for specialists.

Call for reform of OPTAM
According to them, the current medical convention no longer meets the expectations and needs of Corsican health professionals, so in their letter, the doctors of the CSMF Corsica propose the creation of an area of ​​pricing freedom, the OPTAM (Practical Option Controlled Tariff), solvable by the CNAM and complementary organizations. This measure would allow “remobilize the entire medical profession”, to make it more attractive and to “ restore confidence » between patients and doctors.
They also ask that the government and complementary organizations cover additional fees for all policyholders consulting an OPTAM doctor, without increasing contract prices. Opening OPTAM to everyone would give doctors the opportunity to focus on medical expertise while meeting territorial commitments.
The CSMF Corsica also calls for in-depth reflection on taxation, taking into account the particularities of insularity. In addition, it underlines the importance of the public-private partnership, demonstrated during the health crisis and during work on the future CHU of Corsica.

Faced with the current crisis, these doctors urge the government to show responsibility. They reiterate their commitment to meeting the needs of the island population and strengthening the provision of care throughout Corsica.

Corsican private doctors will be alongside private establishments on June 3 to defend cooperation essential to the well-being of the island’s inhabitants.



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