This bread would be ideal for boosting digestive comfort according to a gastroenterologist

This bread would be ideal for boosting digestive comfort according to a gastroenterologist
This bread would be ideal for boosting digestive comfort according to a gastroenterologist

THE bread is a essential food of French gastronomy. It is available in many shapesbut remains a strong basis for culinary habits from the country. It is sometimes used in the preparation of certain recipes, but it is mainly used as an accompaniment, regardless of the dish. Some people do not hesitate to eat bread with pasta, although in dietary terms it is a duplicate.

We often perceive bread as a product that is better be careful if we wish to rebalance our eating habits. The problem essentially comes from the fact that our modern diet gives pride of place to processed and ultra-processed products Already too rich. If, in addition, we add excessive bread consumption, we go well beyond what is recommended. In addition, industrial baking is also predominant. White bread, even sandwich bread, low in nutrientsdoes not bring of no interest for our health, on the contrary.

A bread recommended by a professional

However, it would be unfortunate to think that we should completely ban bread from our diet. The real issue is to make the right choice and of find the right balance. It is not easy to find your way around, because today there are many types of bread, from the most industrial to the most artisanal. THE wholemeal flours are, in general, preferredguaranteeing the supply of important nutrients for our body.

As revealed in an article from Here isTHE gastroenterologist William Berrebiis even more precise as to the choice of ideal bread for a real digestive comfort. Indeed, the specialist specifically mentions the spelled breade as a champion of nutritional contributions that boost our microbiota. The health of these symbiotic bacteria that live within our digestive system is one of the keys to our well-being.

Digestive comfort found

THE einkorn contained in the eponymous bread is above all a very good Source of prebiotic fiber. These are in a way the fuel for our microbiota. This can then develop correctly and actively contribute to a efficient digestion, thereby increasing our comfort. As a bonus, the einkorn bread is relatively low in glutenwhich also facilitates transit for people who have sensitivities (but not in cases of complete intolerance).

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Many benefits

Opting for einkorn bread also means providing essential trace elements to our body, as the professional points out. This cereal actually contains 15 g of protein per 100 g of product, covering eight of ten amino acids that the body needs. If further arguments are needed, einkorn is much more rich in magnesium than the classic wheat flour used for white breads. Here is a cocktail of benefits that it would be a shame to do without!

Einkorn bread can easily incorporate a varied daily diet and balanced. Its unique aroma gives it a tasty touch additional. Just use it like any other bread. It is delicious as a summer toast with avocado, raw vegetables and seeds to increase the nutritional intake. For breakfast, you can spread it with a little honey to benefit from useful energy to start the day well. Try einkorn bread, your microbiota will thank you.



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