A booster shot from the ARS to fight against winter viruses

A booster shot from the ARS to fight against winter viruses
A booster shot from the ARS to fight against winter viruses

Do not let your guard down, this is the recommendation of the Regional Health Agency (ARS) to deal with the arrival of winter viruses.

The agency provided an update this Friday regarding vaccination recommendations, with the aim of combating diseases whose spread is favored by the arrival of the cold season. Three conditions are particularly targeted by the ARS: bronchiolitis for infants, but also covid and the flu. Because ” we still die of the flu in », reminded Olivier Brahic, the deputy general director of ARS Paca. And if Covid is not strictly speaking a seasonal disease, “ its circulation is reinforced with winter ».

And the first way to fight these epidemics remains vaccination. The ARS recommends for populations at risk, that is to say those over 65 and people affected by certain chronic illnesses, to group the anti-flu vaccination and that against Covid.

However, there is still work to be done to reach the 75% vaccinated rate recommended by the WHO. “ We’re not good at alldeplores Olivier Brahic. For those over 65, 54% of the population is vaccinated against influenza nationally, and only 50% in the Paca region. »

Fortunately, the situation is better in terms of preventing bronchiolitis in newborns. Immunization using Beyfortus helps prevent nearly 80% of serious cases of bronchiolitis hospitalized in intensive care, according to a study by Public Health France and the Pasteur Institute. “ The impact is very important at the individual level obviously, but also on a global scale, because it avoids saturating healthcare systems. », Underlines Professor Aurélie Morand, head of the pediatric emergency department at Timone, who therefore encourages continued efforts.

The ARS and health professionals also encourage not to relax barrier gestures, the positive effects of which exist against Covid and the flu, but also bronchiolitis. Regular hand washing, wearing a mask when you are sick and in any case in the presence of vulnerable people, but also ventilation of the premises, therefore remain recommended.



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