Endometriosis: the saliva test will soon be reimbursed? – LINFO.re

Endometriosis: the saliva test will soon be reimbursed? – LINFO.re
Endometriosis: the saliva test will soon be reimbursed? – LINFO.re

This Friday, the High Authority of Health authorized the experimental management of an innovative saliva test intended for the diagnosis of endometriosis in certain patients. This news paves the way for faster and more accurate screening.

L’endometriosisa painful gynecological disease affecting approximately one in ten women. It is often diagnosed late due to varied symptoms and a lack of specific tests.

A breakthrough for the diagnosis of this disease

To remedy this problem, a startup has developed Endotest, a saliva test to detect the presence of biomarkers characteristic of endometriosis. Thanks to a rigorous clinical study protocol, Lyon biotech Ziwig has reached a decisive step.

Until now, this test was not reimbursed by Social Security, thus limiting access for many patients. But thanks to the favorable opinion of the HAS, it could soon be taken care of as part of an innovation system. “The clinical study carried out in this regard will make it possible to provide early and secure access to the test and to collect missing data for future evaluation for common law treatment.” and a probable “rlarge and long-term repayment“, indicated the High Authority of Health.

A conditional refund

Although the initial results of the test were promising, the High Authority of Health considered that the available data was not sufficient to justify immediate reimbursement. To remove these reservations, the HAS required the implementation of an in-depth clinical study to confirm the effectiveness and safety of the test in real conditions.

Subject to government agreement, women over the age of 18 with symptoms of endometriosis will soon be able to benefit from this new screening test free of charge. The results of this study could lead to reimbursement on a larger scale.

Ziwig indicates that its Endotest test, available in around ten countries for almost two years. It is offered at an average price of around 1000 euros.




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