450 care baskets distributed in Corsica by the Endur’Ensemble association

450 care baskets distributed in Corsica by the Endur’Ensemble association
450 care baskets distributed in Corsica by the Endur’Ensemble association

“A gift that makes you smile”. This Wednesday, October 16, the Bastiaise association Endur’Ensemble a offert 450 care basketsworth around a hundred euros each, 450 Corsican patients suffering from breast cancer. Distributions organized simultaneously in mid-morning, in four establishments on the island: the hospital center, the Maymard clinic, the hospital center and the Corte-Tattone hospital center.

Inside these baskets, a care kit, specifically chosen to meet the needs of skin weakened by chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments : shower oils, different moisturizers, anti-UV nail polishes, products with castor oil or special properties to help re-grow hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. And some additional goodies such as a water bottle or small pouches.

Up to 700 people for the Relais rose

“This care is essential during treatment but unfortunately, it has to be paid for. When I was ill myself, I realized that, for some women, it was out of budget. This was intolerable to me, testifies Carole Pistorozzi, from the Endur’Ensemble association. It’s a real need. So much so that even women on the continent have contacted us to obtain a package. We have sent a few, we are doing what we can on our scale.”

The association creates these baskets through partnerships but also through donations or by organizing events such as the Relais Rose, which was held on Saturday October 12 in Cap Corse. Between 600 and 700 people (runners, walkers and cyclists) traveled more than 100 kilometers from Patrimonio, to arrive in Bastia, touring the microregion.

Other products were also distributed this Wednesday: around forty cushions and mastectomy kits, as well as around sixty scarves, squares or alopecia caps.

“This distribution is not just the result of a single event, it is the result of work carried out throughout the year, specifies Carole Pistorozzi. And moreover, we are committed to restocking products for women who need them, as part of a longer treatment for example. My door is always open, we answer questions and help wherever possible. It sometimes feels good to have someone outside the medical profession who listens, a bit like a friend who has gone through the same thing.”



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