here are the 5 most common symptoms

Menopause affects women from a certain age, when ovulation stops and menstruation disappears. This Friday, October 17, is World Day for This Phenomenon. On this occasion, here is a reminder of its most common symptoms.

Hot flashes

During menopause, it is very common to experience night sweats and hot flashes, also called “flushing.” In some cases, they can even cause sleep problems. This symptom is due to the reduction in the secretion of estrogen, a hormone secreted by the ovaries which prepares people for pregnancy.

Skin dryness

The fall in female reproductive hormones – estrogen and progesterone – also leads to dry skin, including intimate skin. In fact, it is not uncommon to suffer from dryness, burning or vulvar and/or vaginal irritation. To relieve symptoms, opt for appropriate hygiene products.

A decrease in libido

These hormonal changes can cause other discomforts, such as reduced sexual desire. In addition, some postmenopausal women tend to feel discomfort or even pain during the act, due to vulvar dryness or vulvovaginal atrophy, a thinning of the vaginal walls linked again to the drop in estrogens.

Mood disorders

Hormonal fluctuation and sleep problems are often responsible for mood disorders. Women who are approaching this stage of life or who have just gone through menopause tend to feel more irritable, more anxious, or even depressed. During menopause, a magnesium treatment is often recommended.

weight gain

A natural and completely normal phenomenon, menopause is also synonymous with weight gain. During this period, the metabolism slows down and the body burns fewer calories. Fat mass tends to increase, especially in the stomach area, and muscle mass tends to decrease. As a result, the scale displays a few extra kilos.




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