Fight against breast cancer: “Screening education is needed”, believes Dr Gisèle Kilomba

Fight against breast cancer: “Screening education is needed”, believes Dr Gisèle Kilomba
Fight against breast cancer: “Screening education is needed”, believes Dr Gisèle Kilomba

The My Family clinic located in the town of Beni (North Kivu) closed a 12-day campaign on breast cancer awareness and screening on Sunday October 13.

Guest of Radio Okapi, Dr Gisèle Kilomba, medical director of this health structure, explained to around a hundred women that “breast cancer is the consequence of the disordered multiplication of cells in the body”.

She also recalled the need for early detection of this cancer: “ Screening education is needed ».

The earlier breast cancer is detected, the better the patient’s survival rate, explained Dr Kilomba: /sites/default/files/2024-10/08._151024-pf-beniinviteedrgiselekilombamedecindirectorcliniquemafamilledebeni_web.mp3

« When there are already metastases, even if we treat the organ that is affected: the breast, there will already be proliferation in other cells which destroy life. For example at the lung level, at the level of the pelvic bones. That’s why when a woman tells you that she often has hip pain, you have to take her to the hospital, we will also examine her breasts. Because it is probable that in the body, a single organ like the breast can alter life.”

The doctor director of the My family clinic insists on self-palpation of the breasts by pubescent women and girls as a means of early detection. She calls on young girls to feel their breasts themselves to detect the presence or absence of a nodule (editor’s note mass, lump). The presence of a lump in the breast should lead women and girls to consult a doctor.

Dr Gisele Kilomba speaks with Marc Maro Fimbo:

The campaign led by the My Family clinic is part of the celebration of the month of Pink October launched by the World Health Organization (WHO). Pink October aims to inform the female population about the dangers of breast cancer.



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