what is this new device?

what is this new device?
what is this new device?

“My prevention report” is the name of a new prevention system, which is aimed at all French people at four key ages of life. Its objective is to take the time with a health professional (doctor, pharmacist, midwife, nurse) to take stock of your lifestyle, your vaccinations and even your screenings. A system covered 100% by Health Insurance.

What is “My prevention report”?

Prevention plays a determining role in health, to prevent diseases rather than treating them. However, most often, during medical consultations or appointments with a health professional, there is not enough time to talk about prevention. Based on this observation, public health authorities have put in place a new system, called “ my prevention report ».

This time dedicated to prevention meets three objectives:

  • Take stock of the lifestyle: diet, physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, etc.;
  • Take stock of vaccination status and specify the vaccinations recommended for each person, based on their profile (age, comorbidities, profession, etc.);
  • Take stock of screenings, such as screenings for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or screenings for certain cancers, particularly cervical cancer, breast cancer and colorectal cancer.

In total, 42 different aspects of prevention can be discussed during these dedicated times.

Who can benefit from “My prevention report”?

The “My prevention report” system is aimed at all French people four key ages of lifeenter:

  • 18 and 25 years old;
  • 45 and 50 years old;
  • 60 and 65 years old;
  • 70 and 75 years old.

For people in these age groups, simply contact one of the following health professionals to carry out their prevention assessment:

  • And doctor;
  • A midwife;
  • And pharmacist;
  • And nurse.

Ask the health professionals who usually follow you for advice. Please also note that these interviews are 100% covered by Health Insurance.

How does “My prevention assessment” work?

After making an appointment with the health professional of their choice, the person can complete a self-questionnaireavailable on its “My Health Space” space. This self-questionnaire can also be completed with the healthcare professional during the interview, which lasts between 30 and 45 minutes. This time, longer than a traditional consultation, allows you to take stock of different aspects of your health.

It is not essential to address all health topics, but on the contrary it is interesting to focus on the most relevant topics depending on each person, their state of health, their age, their lifestyle. While some people will need personalized advice on sexual health or smoking, others will be more concerned with diet or sleep. The objective is to take the time to take stock of your health and your lifestyle with a health professional. The latter will be able to give personalized and tailored advice to prevent the occurrence of diseases, adopt a better lifestyle, help the patient stop smoking, recommend targeted screenings or even schedule vaccinations. This prevention appointment can lead to other appointments to implement concrete actions, for example dietary monitoring, a consultation with a specialist or the scheduling of vaccination appointments.

“My prevention report” gives the possibility of prioritizing prevention during a longer consultation, conducive to discussions with the health professional of one’s choice.

Estelle B., Doctor of Pharmacy


– My Prevention Report: what does it consist of? sante.gouv.fr. Accessed October 7, 2024.
– My prevention report, a time for discussion dedicated to prevention. www.ameli.fr. Accessed October 7, 2024.



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