Soon a pill that has the same effect on the body as a 10 km race

Soon a pill that has the same effect on the body as a 10 km race
Soon a pill that has the same effect on the body as a 10 km race


  • Researchers have developed a molecule capable of mimicking the metabolic response to regular, intense exercise and fasting.
  • It increases blood lactate and ketone levels, which are associated with several health benefits.
  • According to researchers, the molecule could also be beneficial for people with difficulty concentrating or suffering from dementia.

Here is a discovery that will interest sports allergy sufferers. A team from the University of Aarhus (Denmark) has developed a pill that causes the body to function as if it had just made a significant physical effort.

“We have developed a molecule that can mimic the body’s natural metabolic response to intense exercise and fasting. In practice, the molecule brings the body to a metabolic state corresponding to a high-speed 10 km run on an empty stomach “explains Professor Thomas Poulsen, one of the main researchers behind the study.

How does the molecule provide the same benefits as sport?

Significant physical activity or even fasting increases lactate and ketone levels. These organic compounds act as fuel for cells. They also promote the production of an appetite-suppressing hormone and reduce the level of free fatty acids in the blood. “This has many health benefits, for example reducing the risk of developing metabolic syndrome”specifies Thomas Poulsen in a press release.

The molecule he developed with his team is “the chemical fusion of lactate and ketones, without the harmful companions of salt and acid”. It allows you to increase the quantities of these two compounds in the body, and cause the same domino effects on the body.

The invention called LaKe has so far only been tested on rats. However, clinical trials on humans have been launched. The objective of the work is to transform the molecule into a nutritional supplement, and thus offer a solution to people who have difficulty exercising.

“It can be difficult to stay motivated to run many miles at high speed and go without food. For people with physical problems such as heart or general weakness, a dietary supplement may be the key to better recovery “estimates the expert.

A molecule that could also boost concentration

The LaKe molecule, presented in the journal Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, may not only be used by people who have difficulty with physical activity. It also has the potential to alleviate concentration difficulties encountered by patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease or dementia. Indeed, these pathologies lead, among other things, to low energy levels in the brain, which inhibits its optimal functioning.

“Since lactate can replace glucose in the brain during stress or trauma, experiments have been conducted to increase lactate levels in people with concussion. Patients who cannot exercise intense will benefit greatly from a medication capable of increasing these levels“, assure Thomas Poulsen.



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