At 64, this woman looks 10 months younger thanks to this secret “I apply the 90/10 rule”

At 64, this woman looks 10 months younger thanks to this secret “I apply the 90/10 rule”
At 64, this woman looks 10 months younger thanks to this secret “I apply the 90/10 rule”

Looking younger than your age is the dream of many people. Some resort to gimmicks, others to plastic surgery, but that’s not the case for Harrah Brown. Thanks to her 100% natural method, she manages to look 10 years younger.

The older we get, the more our body presents the stigmata of old age, like wrinkles. To slow down the aging process or at least hide its effects on the face and body skin, there are many anti-aging products. However, it is also possible to slow down the effects of aging and look younger through diet. That’s exactly what Harrah Brown, a 64-year-old influencer, is doing on TikTok. Thanks to a healthy diet and exercise, she looks much younger than her age. Here are the details on theanti-aging tip which she shared on her account.

A diet with multiple virtues

No sugar, cookies or cakes

It is on her TikTok account that the American influencer revealed the constituent elements of her diet. Here are the food categories I buy each week, she said in a video described by Top Santé magazine. The sixty-year-old unpacks the contents of her shopping bag and we immediately notice theabsence of sweets. Indeed, the fitness coach does not buy cakes, cookies and ice cream, or processed foods. Removing these items from her diet helped her lose weight and belly fat from menopause.

Rejuvenating foods

Like many women around the world, Harrah Brown has spent much of her life caring for those she loves, especially her four children. She now takes care of herself. Moreover, it teaches us thatit’s never too late to be healthy. There sixty-year-old links these words to actions, because in his shopping bag we find red and black fruits, such as frozen blueberries and fresh raspberries. As a reminder, these delicious fruits are good for cognitive functions and the brain. Furthermore, red and black fruits also help to delay aging, in the same way as fresh fish. Harrah Brown has fresh fish in its groceries, like salmon and halibut. Indeed, the salmon is known for its antioxidant properties and it also allows you to have smoother skin.

Compliance with the 90/10 rule

According to 90/10 rulethe things that happen to us constitute only 10% of our life and the way we react constitutes the other 90%. Influencer Harrah Brown conceptualized and adapted this rule to his diet. She explains that she scrupulously applies this rule. How ? She consumes 90% nutritious foods at home and 10% pleasure foods when she is eating out.

The second secret of Harrah Brown’s youth

Sport as an ally

Harrah Brown is a 64-year-old influencer. If we can call her an influential grandmother, she is not a trendy grandmother. Despite her age, Harrah Brown is not retired, as she is still working. In fact, the sixty-year-old has a full-time job and not just any job, since she is fitness coach. This means that sport is an integral part of her life and when it comes to fitness, she really knows her way around it. THE sport is therefore the second secret which allows this 64-year-old woman to only look 54. She trains three times a week and she is diligent, both with her diet and with sport.

Practice regular physical activity

We have all heard this phrase at least once, practice regular physical activity. Be careful, however, you must choose carefully this physical activity, because some of them accelerate aging instead of delaying it. Our advice, do like Harrah Brown. She practices walking and she walk at least one kilometer per day. There walk allows you to practice physical exercise regularly and without too much effort. This will also allow you to lose weight without having to do strenuous exercises.

A healthy mind in a healthy body

There diet + sport combination makes Harrah Brown look younger. However, there is another element that stands out from the video she posted, and that is her good mood. In this video, we see a 64-year-old woman smiling and exuding a positive attitude. What she says is perfectly in line with what we see and what we feel. She is the embodiment of the maxim: A healthy mind in a healthy body.



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