This famous hot drink could increase the risk of depression according to a doctor

This famous hot drink could increase the risk of depression according to a doctor
This famous hot drink could increase the risk of depression according to a doctor

With the arrival of autumn, some cafés are reviewing their menu and offering new seasonal hot drinks. This is for example the case of Starbucks which highlights its “Pumpkin Spiced Latte”, a hot drink made from hot pumpkin-flavored milk, roasted coffee, whipped cream and spices.

But be careful because the large version of this beverage could contain nearly 135 mg of caffeine. Well above the dose of 100 mg recommended for adolescents.

A risk of tachycardia

« Excessive caffeine consumption in young adolescents can cause a faster heart rate, called tachycardiawhich can be dangerous, especially for adolescents with underlying heart problems,” warned Dr Masarat Jilani, a doctor, quoted by the Daily Mail.

Sleep, a health factor

The National Health Safety Agency (ANSES) also recalls that poor quality sleep – induced by caffeine – could increase the risk of addictive behaviorparticularly in children and adolescents whose brain is still immature. “Approximately 30% of the adult population and 1 to 2% of children and adolescents exceed the threshold used to generate anxiety,” warns the health agency.

Dr Jilani also reminds that excessive consumption…

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