A global plan launched against dengue fever

A global plan launched against dengue fever
A global plan launched against dengue fever

More than 12 million cases had been identified by the end of August, almost double all of last year. Dengue is endemic in 130 countries across parts of Asia, the Western Pacific and the Americas.

The rapid spread of this pathology and others caused by mosquito bites is “alarming” and requires international collaboration, says WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. From maintaining a clean environment to providing care and controlling mosquitoes, there are numerous measures to take.

Inadequate urbanization, poor hygiene and sanitation systems and even climate change facilitate the progression of dengue fever. The plan provides for collaboration in terms of emergency and surveillance, community protection, adapted care and innovation for drugs or vaccines.

It will take around 46 million francs over one year. And from authorities to citizens including health actors, everyone must work together in the face of pathology, assures the organization.



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