This little-known symptom is the first sign of a ruptured aneurysm

This little-known symptom is the first sign of a ruptured aneurysm
This little-known symptom is the first sign of a ruptured aneurysm
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Several risk factors can cause ruptured aneurysms, as reported Cosmopolitan. This is particularly the case for excessive consumption of alcohol or tobacco, but also for obesity, high blood pressure, cholesterol, age or even infections causing inflammation of the arteries.

In the event of a ruptured aneurysm, if the person is not treated quickly, their vital and functional prognosis is compromised. As this is a true medical emergency, it is essential to know how to recognize the signsto react in time. Several symptoms should alert you, such as neck stiffness, nausea and vomiting, loss of consciousness and especially neurological disorders, which cause difficulty speaking or moving.

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But there is another symptom which you absolutely must alert. Less well known, it is nevertheless the most common symptom of ruptured aneurysm: headache sudden and severe. This severe headache actually occurs when the artery ruptures. This is therefore the very first symptom of a ruptured aneurysm. The others will come later. People who have already experienced a ruptured aneurysm describe this pain as “the worst headache” of their lives.

A symptom to keep in mind to react as quickly as possible.



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