Detected at an early stage, cancer can be cured in 9 out of 10 cases

Detected at an early stage, cancer can be cured in 9 out of 10 cases
Detected at an early stage, cancer can be cured in 9 out of 10 cases

In the Vosges, the rate of use of screening is slightly below the national average. For colorectal cancer, it is 37% (37.8% at the national level), for breast cancer, it is 57% (58% at the national level). For cervical cancer, good news, it is 64% (the national average is 58%).

But if the figures remain close to the national average, they are completely outside the European objectives, and this, on a national scale, not just departmental or regional. Indeed, the expected European objectives are 75% for the breast, 85% for the cervix and 65% for the colorectal.

A mobilized region

In , cancer is the leading cause of death among men and the second among women. Regional actions are often carried out to raise awareness of screening, as was the case in last April. An awareness and prevention village had been set up there.

Clearly identified obstacles

Most often, what prevents us from getting tested is fear of the result, a feeling of inevitability in the face of the disease, lack of time, inequalities in prevention, or fear of the cost. screening…

For the last reason given, it is important to specify that screenings are 100% covered by Health Insurance. There may also remain a lack of knowledge of the system. Hence the importance for structures to continue to inform and raise awareness about the importance of screening.

Christina Zottarelli, Prevention Project Manager at the Vosges Primary Health Insurance Fund

What actions in the Vosges?

Health Insurance, accompanied by its partners, implements actions throughout the year to reach out to the public and encourage screening. This is particularly the case this Thursday, October 3, in Neufchâteau. Head to the Le Trait d’Union cultural center, between 10 a.m. and noon for a conference. It is open to all students of the Institute of Nursing and Caregivers of Neufchâteau but also to the general public.

Information stands from the League Against Cancer and the CPAM will be present and will provide various documents on screening. Dr Laurent from the CRCDC will lead the conference, which is jointly organized by the CPAM, the CRCDC, the IFSI of Neufchâteau and La Ligue.

The paramount importance of screening

The objective of screening is to be able to diagnose cancer at an early stage even if it does not present symptoms: the earlier it is detected, the less cumbersome and costly the treatments… And above all, the greater the chance of cure. . The CPAM estimates that when cancer is detected at an early stage, it can be cured in 9 out of 10 cases. Hence the importance of respecting the regular screening interval…

At what intervals should you be tested?

For breast cancer, women aged 50 to 74 should have it every two years. For colorectal cancer, men and women, aged 50 to 74, must also do it every two years. For cervical cancer, this concerns women aged 25 to 65, with a screening smear every three years between the ages of 25 and 30 then every five years between the ages of 30 and 65.



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