Anti-obesity drugs: behind Novo Nordisk and Lilly, the competition is accelerating

Anti-obesity drugs: behind Novo Nordisk and Lilly, the competition is accelerating
Anti-obesity drugs: behind Novo Nordisk and Lilly, the competition is accelerating

Zeliha Chaffin

(The World)

Published on September 30, 2024 at 07:28.

Between the Danish Novo Nordisk and the American Lilly, the battle over anti-obesity drugs is accelerating. In November 2023, the Indianapolis laboratory received the green light in the United States for the marketing of its weight loss treatment, Zepbound. The latter becomes the direct competitor of Wegovy (called Ozempic in its original version), Novo Nordisk’s best-seller. The pressure is mounting between the two rivals, neck and neck in the fray.

The duo is not at their first face-to-face meeting. A century ago, the arrival of insulins, a revolution in the treatment of diabetes, had already opened a front line between manufacturers. A hundred years later, the diabetes bonanza continues to make their fortune, but it is in another area, that of obesity, that the two groups are intensifying their efforts thanks to a new generation of promising treatments.

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