Chronic pain: hypnosis to reduce drug dependence

Chronic pain: hypnosis to reduce drug dependence
Chronic pain: hypnosis to reduce drug dependence

Many health professionals attended training on Saturday in Montreal on medical hypnosis as a solution to reducing drug dependence in people suffering from chronic pain.

The Order of Psychologists wishes to undo the prejudices surrounding this increasingly widespread and recognized technique in the medical community.

This makes it possible to reduce the use of opioids in patients suffering from chronic pain.

“It is certain that hypnosis, for example when I use it in the operating room, allows me to reduce the quantity of medications that I use. The fewer medications we use, the less risk of long-term dependence we have,” the former president of the Association of Anesthesiologists of Quebec, Dr. Jean-François Courval.

Psychologists want to dissociate medical hypnosis from show hypnosis. The first is also a tool recognized by the College of Physicians.

“It’s unfortunate, but hypnosis doesn’t always get a good press with show hypnosis, but today you have a significant amount […] of health professionals – doctors, anesthesiologists, psychologists, dentists – and no, this is not new. It’s little known, but it’s growing,” explains psychologist and speaker Gilles Vachon.

To see the full explanations, watch the video above.



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