Quebec is about to allow private clinics to perform around twenty additional types of operations

Quebec is about to allow private clinics to perform around twenty additional types of operations
Quebec is about to allow private clinics to perform around twenty additional types of operations

In the hope of reducing surgical waiting lists, Quebec is about to allow private clinics to perform around twenty additional types of operations on behalf of the public health network.

These surgical interventions, which will be carried out in specialized medical centers and reimbursed by the State, are notably of an orthopedic, gynecological, urological, otolaryngological and cervico-facial nature. These clinics will also be able to perform an operation on the digestive system which consists of removing the gallbladder and the stones found there.

In a press release published Wednesday, the office of Health Minister Christian Dubé said it was inspired by the initiative put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic, which made it possible to carry out several operations in private clinics to cure cataracts, knees and hips, which were free of charge for patients.

In May 2023, Mr. Dubé unveiled his plan to catch up on surgery. By the end of 2024, he wants to reduce the number of patients waiting for an operation for more than a year to 2,500, or to its pre-pandemic level. As of August 24, 10,900 people were on this list, the minister’s office indicated.

Further details will follow.

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