Every glass of alcohol really counts, especially after a certain age

Every glass of alcohol really counts, especially after a certain age
Every glass of alcohol really counts, especially after a certain age

After the age of 60, is one glass of alcohol a day enough to increase the risk of cancer? A recent study has thrown a spanner in the works.

The figures are clear: even low alcohol consumption increases mortality among seniors. And this is true regardless of the type of drink consumed.

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According to a study published in JAMA Network Openpeople over 60 should moderate their alcohol consumption, even if they only drink one glass by day. The risks are not limited to the cancer: they also include heart disease and death from all causes. The American researchers observed more than 135,000 adults aged 60 or over, mainly white, and compared the different levels of alcohol consumption. Their finding is alarming: each drink counts, and increases the risk of mortality. Daily drinkers, even at low doses, are more likely to die of cancer than those who consume alcohol occasionally. For heavy drinkers, the risks are even more marked, reaching 33% additional mortality. The results do not stop there. They also show that people with lower incomes or those already ill are particularly vulnerable to the harmful effects of alcohol. Moderate consumption does not protect them from increased risks.

A popular myth persists, however: that a glass of red wine is good for your health. However, researchers qualify this belief. While there appears to be a slight advantage for wine drinkers with meals, the effect is probably linked to a lifestyle life healthier in general.

Further research is therefore needed to clarify these observations and perhaps finally settle the issue. In the meantime, it is recommended to limit alcohol after the age of 60.

Why is alcohol riskier after 60?

As we age, the body metabolizes alcohol less efficiently. The ability of the liver to break down ethanol decreases, causing it to accumulate more quickly in the bloodAging organs, already weakened, are more sensitive to toxic effects, thus increasing the risk of disease.

Alcohol also affects the immune system and cardiovascular system of older people. In seniors, the risk of developing cancer or heart disease is amplified by a lower tolerance to alcohol. Even in small doses, alcohol promotes the appearance of tumors and the worsening of existing diseases.



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