“I am a pharmacist, this is how much I earn per month”

Since it is often a local professionof a profession of contact
With people, many think they know what the job of a pharmacist. Regularly criticized, frowned upon, it is nevertheless an essential link between the doctor and the patient. And on the occasion of the world day
pharmacists which takes place on September 25, 2024, it is good to remember their role.

Most often, the pharmacist works in what is called a pharmacy: it is the pharmacy. He carries out his activity in full view of everyone, does advice and sales
behind the counter… but his job goes well beyond that. He can, if necessary, take care of customers in a more confidential space (to vaccinate, to try on compression stockings for example), or he must spend time in the back room to different tasks. “Place orders, receive packages and store pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical products”are all things he has to do on a daily basis, according to Hellowork.

“I am a pharmacist, this is how much I earn per month”

It is said that pharmacists earn a very good living. This is true, but the salary is often proportional to the work and experience within the pharmacy. Generally speaking, within the profession, the annual gross remuneration amounts to between 42,000 and 60,000 euros approximately, “for a monthly net salary of between
2,700 and 4,000 euros.
The hourly rate over 35 hours is, furthermore and still according to the Hellowork platform,
“from 23 to 35 euros gross”.

With the time and experience, Moreover, the pharmacist’s salary increases logically. A professional in dearly career often receives a salary between 2500 and 3000 euros gross per month, or 2,300 euros net per month on average. For an employee in a pharmacy and
senior, who can testify to a real experience, the income varies on the other hand from simple to double. It can reach more than 4500 euros gross per month, or 3500 euros net.

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Pharmacist: what are the possible developments in the profession?

While the pay is certainly attractive, it does not come without work. To obtain such a salary at the end of your career, and to move up the ladder, you have to accept more responsibilities. Most often, these come with a position like pharmacy manager, although other options may be available to you. For example, you can specialize in a specific field.

And if the profession undeniably has its benefits
(salary, ease of finding a job, human contact, etc.) it also has its disadvantages. The working hours are long, and the profession has to deal with certain demands, and even certain customer behaviors, that are increasingly difficult to tolerate. There are fewer and fewer resources for ever-increasing demand, and working conditions are increasingly stressful.

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What studies are required to be able to enter the profession?

As with all professions that relate to health in general, you need to be rigorous, hardworking and patient. In fact, depending on the specialization chosen, a pharmacy student can spend between 6 and 10 years old studying.

photo credit: shutterstock

Specializations that can also lead to the profession of pharmacist in a pharmacy, but also in a hospital environment. It is also possible to do research, to become a controller of pharmaceutical products, and many other types of professions.



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