Laplume. Father and son Pabis, followers of permanent direct seeding

Laplume. Father and son Pabis, followers of permanent direct seeding
Laplume. Father and son Pabis, followers of permanent direct seeding

At the very beginning of September, a meeting was organized by the Chamber of Agriculture, led by Florent Ruyet and taking place at Rémi Pabis’s, in the presence of many farmers from everywhere (Casteljaloux, Andiran, Ste Colombe, La blanche, Puch d’Agenais, Marmont-Pachas and Gers.)

As a preamble, Christian Pabis, a retired farmer and well-known falconer, summarized the story of his grandparents, farmers, who stopped ploughing in 1995. Christian, a pioneer, then recounts his journey of working the land before joining forces with his sons, first Rémi and now Géraud.

It is therefore a question of presenting permanent direct seeding as “ecological, economical, conservation”

Rémi has already studied and experimented with the thing. In duo with Florent Ruyet, he gives a detailed account of the tests carried out, of the interests discovered with the summer cover method. The projections of the photos and tables on the yields “speak” to the farmers present and of all ages.

Still through video and commentary from the actors, Rémi, Géraud, and Florent, after the landscapes where the state of the soils is shown with broad beans, wheat, sunflowers, sorghum, the technical itinerary can be seen in the courtyard of the farm where the grandparents lived.

Different types of seeders and other equipment are exhibited: tine seeder, chopping roller, disc seeder, row seeder, all tools that raise questions among these land working professionals who know their successes and failures. A few words are said about photos showing a “methanization” project. The meeting will end with a visit to the plots cultivated by Rémi according to this permanent direct seeding of sorghum, sunflower and summer cover.



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