RN MP caught driving with license invalid for fifteen years

RN MP caught driving with license invalid for fifteen years

Christine Engrand, National Rally MP for Pas-de-Calais, was stopped on Friday 13 September for driving with a licence invalidated in 2009. She is also suspected of having used her mandate fees for personal expenses.

The RN elected official was the subject of a road check on the A16 motorway in Pas-de-Calais this Friday, our colleagues at Le Parisien reveal. The police first fined her for using her phone while driving. Then, the police found that Christine Engrand no longer had a driving licence since it was invalidated in 2009, due to zero balance. In addition, the vehicle’s technical inspection was no longer valid.

The MP’s car was seized and the elected official received a summons to explain herself to the police at the beginning of the week.

Christine Engrand was contacted by Le Parisien. Although she initially assured that she had a license, she then mentioned a problem, before abruptly hanging up.

His mandate fees for his dogs?

On Tuesday, September 10, Mediapart revealed that Christine Engrand is accused of using mandate fees for personal purposes. She is suspected of having used her envelope (5,950 euros per month) to pay for the boarding of her two dogs, or “several thousand euros between 2022 and 2023”.

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