Christine Engrand, RN MP, arrested for driving without a valid license

Christine Engrand, RN MP, arrested for driving without a valid license

Christine Engrand, a member of parliament for the National Rally (RN), is at the heart of a new controversy. Already criticized for the alleged use of her mandate expenses for personal purposes, the elected representative from Pas-de-Calais was arrested this Friday morning for driving without a valid license, after a road check on the A16 motorway.

Written by NP – Saturday, September 14, 2024 at 07:51

The incident took place in Pas-de-Calais, when Christine Engrand was initially fined for using her phone while driving. The gendarmes from the motorised brigade then carried out the usual checks and discovered that the MP was driving with a driving licence that had been invalid since 2009. In addition to this, her vehicle had a technical inspection fault, leading to its immediate seizure.

An administrative “error”, according to the elected official

Questioned by Le Parisien, Christine Engrand assured that she did indeed have a driving license, mentioning a “administrative error”. According to her, this situation should be “set on Monday”.

This case comes as the RN MP is already involved in another controversy. According to Mediapart, she is accused of having used her mandate fees for personal expenses, in particular to pay for the boarding of her dogs to the tune of several thousand euros between 2022 and 2023. Other accusations include a subscription to a dating site for 39.99 euros per month as well as funeral expenses amounting to nearly 6,000 euros.


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