Resignation of the emblematic mayor of , Jean-Claude Villemain: he explains why

Resignation of the emblematic mayor of , Jean-Claude Villemain: he explains why
Resignation of the emblematic mayor of Creil, Jean-Claude Villemain: he explains why


Nicolas Giorgi

Published on

Oct 14, 2024 at 4:57 p.m.

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Above all, he didn’t want to do one mandate too long. The emblematic mayor of Creil (Oise), Jean-Claude Villemain76 years old, announced this Monday, October 14, 2024 his desire to resign from his mandate as mayor of the third largest commune in Oise.

In a letter addressed to the agents of this city of 36,000 inhabitants this Monday, he explains passing the baton to Sophie Lehnerhis first deputy in charge of the city project and the future of the territory for four years.

A new vote by the municipal council is scheduled for December 14 to install his successor.

He will remain president of ASCO

Jean-Claude Villemain will nevertheless retain his functions as president of the Sud Oise Agglomeration (ACSO) and will remain mayor until December 7.

“If she is designated by my majority”, Sophie Lehner would then become the first mayor of Creil.

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Mayor Jean-Claude Villemain (PS) will hand over to Sophie Lehner (right), who could thus become the first female mayor of Creil. (© Adrien Deschepper / Actu Oise)

“Don’t cling like a mussel to your rock”

The elected official explained that this decision had been planned for a long time, well before the start of the mandate. “It was an open secret.”

He saw this period as the ideal window, since this smooth transition will allow the future municipal team to vote on the 2025 budget in good conditions.

It is a carefully considered decision. Just after the 2024 wishes, I had a discussion with my assistant. I then told her that in 2025, she would be the one to present them.

Jean-Claude Villemain
Mayor of Creil

“An elected official, especially a municipal one, must know how to stop his mandates in time. It must not cling like a mussel to a rock, confides the chosen one to Oise news. I had always said that the day all this started to weigh on me, that I would slowly withdraw. It’s a bit like someone preparing for retirement,” he compares.

Nicknamed “Moustache”

The elected official, nicknamed “Moustache” by some, decided to make Maurice Thorez’s famous political phrase his own. “You have to know how to stop a strike. »

Member of the Socialist Party since 1977 and mayor of Creil since 2008, one of the rare PS mayors in a large town in the Oise still active had been elected municipal councilor of his town for the first time in 1983. Before climbing the ranks one by one and donning the mayor’s scarf 16 years ago. “Creil has given me a lot of pleasure since my arrival in 1965,” he confides.

High verb

The elected socialist will have left his mark on his city, which owes him the implementation of numerous projects (Barreau Creil-Roissy, renovation of the swimming pool, Ec’Eau Port project, wasteland of the former Gournay high school).

The outspoken city councilor is also known for his clearly defined positions.

In July 2023, after the urban riotshe did not hesitate to criticize Emmanuel Macron, whom he had met with other mayors of Oise at the Élysée. “Stop taking the money we need for our populations from our pockets,” he then told the head of state.

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