Jihadist Emilie König is the subject of a complaint for abuse mentioned by her children

Jihadist Emilie König is the subject of a complaint for abuse mentioned by her children
Jihadist Emilie König is the subject of a complaint for abuse mentioned by her children

The Morbihan departmental council, guardian of the three children of jihadist Emilie König, imprisoned in , has filed a complaint against the latter for psychological and physical violence that her children say they have suffered, we learned on Tuesday from the department lawyer.

The children were notably “witnesses on the spot of atrocities”such as scenes of decapitation or slitting of the throat, announced to Agence France-Presse (AFP) Me Jean-Guillaume Le Mintier, confirming daily information The Parisian. According to the lawyer, the elder “confided to his social worker that his mother told him[vait] learned to cut off heads and [à] throwing grenades ». The complaint is being processed, confirmed the National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office (PNAT).

Emilie König, aged 39 and now incarcerated in , left for Syria in 2012. She is accused of having played the role of recruiter for the Islamic State (IS) organization. Captured by Kurdish forces in 2017, this daughter of a gendarme from was repatriated to France in July 2022 and indicted for criminal terrorist association. Her three children, a boy now aged 9 and twin girls aged 7, were born in Syria. They were repatriated from the Iraqi-Syrian war zone in January 2021 and placed under the supervision of the Morbihan department.

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“Significant troubles”

“As soon as they arrived on French territory, the children provided information about their traumatic history” to the specialists who took care of them, according to the complaint, sent on September 19 to the PNAT, which AFP was able to consult. “When they arrived in France, the children thought that knives were only used to cut off heads” et “say they saw throat slitting on TV”we can read there. “Educational services have noted that the children have developed significant problems. »

The Morbihan departmental council had, as early as May 2023, made a report to the courts regarding the “physical and psychological violence” inflicted by their mother as well as “scary scenes” which they would have attended.

“We consider that the reparation and reconstruction of these children inevitably involves recognition of their status as victims”insists Me The Mintier. Otherwise, “the risk is the trivialization of what they saw. By suing their mother for the atrocities they witnessed, they will integrate what we call “social norms”, in short, make the difference between what is good and what is bad.he explains.

“What would be affirmed” by the children “does not correspond in any way to the status of the file” which investigating judges are investigating, and the latter have not, until now, “reproach on this point” to the accused, assured Emilie König’s lawyer, Emmanuel Daoud. “I don’t know under what conditions the children’s words were collected. From the start, Mme König really fought to protect her children, so that they were in good physical and psychological health. She is the embodiment of mother courage”he insisted.

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