Nicolas Dupont-Aignan: “I think we should dismiss Emmanuel Macron”

Guest of the Grand Rendez-Vous on CNEWS this Sunday, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan considered that it was necessary to “remove Emmanuel Macron”. “He failed in his duties as President of the Republic,” added the president of Debout la .

“I haven’t changed my mind.” This Sunday, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan strongly denounced the policy of the head of state. Guest of the Grand Rendez-Vous on CNEWS, the president of Debout la France considered that it was necessary to “dismiss Emmanuel Macron”, considering that he had “failed in his duties as President of the Republic”.

“Emmanuel Macron’s true coherence is the disappearance of France,” added the three-time presidential candidate. The latter also deplored “the disappearance of foreign policy”, through “the dissolution of the diplomatic corps”.

During his speech, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan called for “a return to order, in terms of security”, but also “in public accounts”.

An obsolete impeachment procedure

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan is not the only one to want the dismissal of Emmanuel Macron. Last September, following the refusal to appoint Lucie Castets as Prime Minister, the deputies of La France insoumise, and some environmentalists, initiated this procedure, made possible by article 68 of the Constitution.

Validated by the office of the National Assembly, it was however rejected by the Law Commission of the Palais-Bourbon. According to the regulations, this procedure will still be debated in the Hemicycle in the coming days.



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