Michael Goldman’s rare confidences about his daughters and the Star Academy

Michael Goldman’s rare confidences about his daughters and the Star Academy
Michael Goldman’s rare confidences about his daughters and the Star Academy

On Saturday October 12, the Star Academy will be back for a 3rd season on TF1. Michael Goldman remains the director and is awaited at the turn by his own daughters.

The countdown is panicking. On Saturday October 12, the Star Academy returns for a third season of its new formula. Michael Goldman remains its director, discreet but fair. The son of Jean-Jacques Goldman gave an interview to 7 Days TV to take stock of this new season, its novelties and to give a little and rare information on his private life and more particularly on his two daughters, who watch the show assiduously. To the point that they sometimes criticize him for certain of his appointment decisions. “They’re the only ones who can do it. Real bosses! he laughed. It’s true that I’m entitled to debriefings at the end of each bonus… I have to explain to them that it’s not me who decides who leaves or who stays. I have to live with this sword of Damocles hanging over my head!”

Will viewers be there for season 3 of Star Academy ?

Michael Goldman’s daughters are uncompromising, but so are the fans. The new version of the Star Academy attracts many viewers. Season 2, of which Pierre Garnier was the big winner, and his summer tour were a great success. For season 3 which arrives in a few days, T1 and the production of the Star Ac therefore decided to keep the same formula… or almost. This year’s students are between 18 and 24 years old and come from all over the country. Some have never tried their luck in music, others are a little more experienced in musical work.

New faces among the teachers of the Star Academy

And there was a change in the teaching staff of the Star Academy, as Michael Goldman points out. Lucie Bernardoni remains repetitive, and Malika Benjelloun to the dance. Marlène Schaff, on the other hand, is changing positions: she is going to become a stage expression teacher!” Fanny Delaigue, a musical theater singer, will replace her as coach alongside Lucie Bernardoni. “The theater teacher’s name is Hugues Hamelynckhe is the 2009 world champion of improvisation”recalls Michael Goldman. The singing teacher is called Sofia Morgavi and the one who will take care of the sport is none other than Ladji Doucouré, double world athletics champion.

Article written in collaboration with 6Averages



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