“Afghan women, we are with you! »

“Afghan women, we are with you! »
“Afghan women, we are with you! »

Tand while the rejects of the Republic exploit our youth by instilling in them hatred of the Jews, Afghan women cry in silence and continue to cry out for help in the face of the hatred of the Taliban, amid general indifference. While slander and lies parade to nazify Israel and legitimize its destruction, Afghan women are deprived of their most fundamental rights, to the point of being destroyed to the depths of their being.

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While the narrative of the Iranian mullahs permeates the brains of defenders of “human rights”, who do not care about the tragedies striking Muslim peoples when their enemy is not Jewish, Afghan women can no longer move around without a man, playing sports, going to beauty salons or parks, appearing behind their windows, working, and now singing, or even speaking, reciting a poem or reading aloud in public.

ALSO READ Élisabeth Badinter: “The Taliban are “gender genocidaires”” While the assignment of identity, complicit in the West with Islamist fanatics, blames “white” culture and rewrites the past, Afghan girls above the age of 12 are banned from education and can die from learning. While the voluntary confusion takes place here between the totalitarian Islamist dogma, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, xenophobic, murderous, genocidal, and the persecution of believers, always condemnable, Afghan women are reduced to the rank of simple property of men, to the same as cattle.

While some Western women demand the wearing of the veil and its matching abaya in the name of their freedom, the Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and the Repression of Vice of the Kabul regime affirms in its decree published a few months after its arrival in power August 15, 2021: “Women who are neither too young nor too old must veil their faces except for their eyes, according to the recommendations of Sharia law, in order to avoid any provocation if they meet a man. »

While we witness the deafening silence of neo-feminists who honor fascism as long as it is “racialized”, Afghan women, like their Iranian sisters, live a daily nightmare made up of beatings, kidnappings, humiliations. , insults, mutilations and stonings; a nightmare in which they are sold to the highest bidder, even before they reach puberty, to sometimes very old men, provided they have a guardian who authorizes the transaction.

ALSO READ Eric Cheysson’s alert on women in Afghanistan: “In Kabul, I saw fear and infinite sadness” While the words genocide or apartheid are overused to overwhelm the only democratic state in the Middle East, Afghan women suffer a real gender apartheid, a segregation of the sexes imposed in all public spaces.

While the UN, whose women’s rights commission was chaired by Iran, multiplies resolutions against Israel while failing to condemn Hamas or Hezbollah, Afghan women wonder for what obscure reasons this international organization does not does not consider it useful to impose firm sanctions against these Taliban, whose priority is to kill women slowly and who, moreover, divert financial aid intended for education for their own benefit.

While is a welcoming land for refugees, Afghan taekwondo player Marzieh Hamidi, victim of death and rape threats and cyberstalking, is placed under police protection in our country, because she dared to speak out for defend his compatriots.

ALSO READ Marzieh Hamidi, abandoned heroineThe condition of Afghan women should alarm us and provoke global indignation: Afghanistan is one of the countries where women commit suicide the most in the world. The repression against opponents is fierce and cruel, dissent is crushed, detentions are arbitrary, executions are summary and the economic crisis is of such magnitude that millions of Afghans are close to starvation. More than 3 million children under the age of 5 suffer from malnutrition.

While we suffer in France – and elsewhere – the permanent spectacle of the bastards of leftism, heirs of Jules Guesde, who distill their poison into the veins of our values ​​and our democracy, I would like to tell these women that their courage impresses us and that they are not alone. I would like to tell Marzieh Hamidi, shocked by “the total lack of support from feminists in France”, that her fight is ours.

I would like to send all these women a message of solidarity, support and hope. Our humanism cannot be of variable geometry, it must be universal: we cannot remain silent in the face of the open-air prison in which part of our humanity is locked up. When Evil reappears at our windows, those who live are those who fight to rekindle the flame of dignity; the fight is never lost, no matter how hard it may be.

Afghan women, this forum is dedicated to you: continue to resist, we are at your side!



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