These Three Zodiac Signs Complain All the Time

These Three Zodiac Signs Complain All the Time

They always find something to complain about and listen to them, nothing ever goes right. Here are the three zodiac signs that complain even in their sleep.

Whether they’re having the worst or best day of their lives, they’re going to complain. These astrological signs aren’t exactly whiners like Aries, but they often have a complaint to make, somewhere in their beard. Are they jaded or too demanding? We’ll let you be the judge. Here are the signs of the type to complain that “the check is too big” if they win the lottery, like in Alain Chabat’s series “Have You Ever Seen?”

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This astrological sign is grumpy by nature.

To listen to them, nothing ever goes right. It must be said that Taurus is not the type to rejoice excessively (pavlova for dessert is the least) and his emotions are often very internalized. As a result, he must remember to display emotions during a conversation. The rest of the time, his face strangely recalls that of the jaded Stanley Hudson in “The Office”. It must be said that Taurus is the most epicurean sign of all. The cosmic ox is in astrology, linked to Venus: star of beauty, goodness, and fun.

So obviously, since in our current society it is unlikely that the Taurus’ daily life consists exclusively of burratas and body oils as greasy as his mornings, he is always a little rumpled. The slightest constraint makes him grumpy, and we won’t even mention the day when the cheese section changed in his supermarket….

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