Death of Jules Bianchi: his father very angry after the investigation led by the International Automobile Federation

Death of Jules Bianchi: his father very angry after the investigation led by the International Automobile Federation
Death of Jules Bianchi: his father very angry after the investigation led by the International Automobile Federation

Ten years after his accident, the father of Jules Bianchi returned to the disappearance of his son in an interview published in The Sunday Journal this September 29. A tragic event which still leaves after-effects, especially since Philippe Bianchi is particularly angry against the investigation carried out after the death of his son.

It was already ten years ago! On October 5, 2014, Jules Bianchi, then 25 years old, was the victim of a serious accident. In pouring rain, while participating in a race on the Sazuka circuit during the Japanese Grand Prix, the pilot of Formula 1 had hit a tow truck at full speedwho cleared the car of another driver, Adrian Sutil, from the track. Particularly shocking, the impact left Jules Bianchi unconsciouswho was rushed to hospital to undergo an operation following a brain hematoma. Unfortunately, the athlete plunged into a long nine-month vegetative coma which left little hope for his recovery. Jules Bianchi passed away in July 2015. His disappearance, at the time, caused a stir among the public and many personalities, starting with Benjamin Biolay who dedicated an album to him. Having made his racing debut in 2007, after years of career in karting, Jules Bianchi had racing in his blood! His grandfather, Lucien Bianchi, was also an F1 driver. A family legacy today perpetuated by the father of the young man who died.

“I don’t care anymore”

In a long interview published this September 29 in the columns of Sunday newspaperPhilippe Bianchi returned to his son’s accident, and in particular to an investigation by the International Automobile Federation which concluded that speed was responsible for the disappearance of Jules Bianchi. “I no longer care about this investigation. In any case, it was flawed because you cannot be both judge and party. At the time, it was easier to say that it was Jules’ fault, since he could no longer defend himself. You have to be pretty pumped up to say that an F1 driver was going too fast. That’s his job.”

Philippe Bianchi then criticized the lack of independence of the report in question : “If this investigation had been independent, I would have taken its results into account, but I think the conclusions would have been different.” An anger that is still as strong years later…



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