DAZN defends its subscription prices and rails against piracy. In an interview with Le Parisien, Brice Daumin, the boss of DAZN France and Switzerland, deplores the huge wave of use of IPTV to follow Ligue 1 matches and thus avoid paying the subscription to his channel, which holds the TV rights to eight championship matches per day. He accuses the press of promoting it.
“Those behind this or IPTV are criminal, mafia, and pedocriminal organizations.”
“The subject of piracy is a disaster,” he says. “But not only for DAZN: it is a subject that concerns the market in general. Piracy is theft. It should not be called anything else. Today, we have a promotion of piracy that is made in the press, on the illegal use of access to content, and it is a scandal.”
“Today, when you read that Telegram is ‘an alternative to DAZN’… it’s false and completely false,” he explains. “It’s theft that is an alternative to DAZN. And those who are behind that or IPTV are criminal, mafia, pedocriminal organizations, you have to keep that in mind. But today, there is a trivialization of that. Whether it’s the rights holders, the political organizations, the market players: none of them have spoken out about what we have experienced these last three weeks on piracy. We need strong, firm positions, and action plans that are clear, established and implemented. This is the only country where DAZN arrives where we are experiencing such a situation. We have never seen this anywhere else.”
Brice Daumin continues to list the misdeeds of these “criminal systems”. “The people behind them are not philanthropists”, he insists. The manager insists on the editorial success of his channel set up in a very short time, a little over two weeks after signing the agreement with the LFP. However, he refuses to communicate for the moment the number of subscribers who have subscribed to one of the offers considered very high by the vast majority of supporters of Ligue 1 clubs. To the point of crossing the red line of piracy.
- RMC Sport