Are the Games over for good? Behind the scenes and for Tony Estanguet, not quite

Are the Games over for good? Behind the scenes and for Tony Estanguet, not quite

rab’ – The highly sought-after boss of the Paris Games is in no hurry to think about his future, while there are still quite a few files to close to put an end to this great adventure

It was festive, moving and jubilant, like a last shot of happiness that we take to postpone the moment of the descent. This great parade of Olympic and Paralympic athletes, Saturday on the Champs-Elysées, was the final meeting of communion between the public and all those who gave us this magical and memorable summer. Everyone enjoyed it, but the time has now come to turn the page. Well, for the general public and the athletes.

Behind the scenes, these Paris Games are not quite over yet. There will be a few more weeks of activity to dismantle, cost and hand over the baton as it should be, before definitively closing a chapter opened for some managers more than ten years ago. “We are at D + 5 of the Games, and it feels a little strange to say that,” noted the boss Tony Estanguet on Friday during the press conference to review the results. “We are having a little trouble taking it in, but it is really over now.”

For him and his colleagues, the void is immense. Thanking the journalists with a smile for coming “to provide a little support for this group therapy for the Paris 2024 teams”, Estanguet nevertheless stressed that he was not(…) - 20minutes

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