In the midst of a supporters’ revolt, a new meeting is planned regarding the scheduling of matches

In the midst of a supporters’ revolt, a new meeting is planned regarding the scheduling of matches

A first decision to calm the anger of the supporters? A few days after a first meeting between all the stakeholders, a new video meeting is planned for this Thursday at the end of the afternoon between the broadcaster of Ligue 2, namely beIN Sports, the LFP and the representatives of the National Association of Supporters.

For several hours, articles have been flourishing on the possibilities of arranging the programming of Ligue 2, with one of the seven matches of the multiplex shifted to Saturday evening. Nothing is official in this sense, as the president of Stade Lavallois admitted, but he still appeared optimistic. “I think it will be validated, but it is not yet official,” declared Laurent Lairy, in the columns of Ouest-France.

There is no guarantee that these possibilities and solutions, presented for the moment in the media, will satisfy the groups of supporters, who are very committed to this subject. Since the beginning of the season, many fans of Ligue 2 clubs have expressed their discontent, with tennis balls thrown, smoke bombs sent onto the pitch, with the aim of interrupting matches. Control trucks of the broadcaster BeIN Sports were also vandalized on August 24.

President Lairy also spoke about Labrune’s re-election

Tuesday was a crucial day for French football, with the election of the new president of the Professional Football League (LFP). A first trend was decided with a majority vote of the Ligue 2 college in favor of Cyril Linette (9 votes against 7 and two abstentions). But the presidents of the clubs in the antechamber of Ligue 1 had the unpleasant surprise of seeing that their representatives on the board of directors (CA), Bernard Joannin (Amiens) and Pierre-Olivier Murat (Rodez) changed their intentions by not voting for Vincent Labrune’s opponent.

And it was finally the former president of Olympique de Marseille who was re-elected until 2028, ahead of his opponent Cyril Linette with 85.67% of the votes at the General Assembly and 14 votes out of 17 from the Board of Directors. Enough to provoke anger among those who voted for Linette, some would even like to no longer see these two men represent Ligue 2, at the highest level of the authorities.

Aware of the current crisis, Laurent Lairy says he is “ready to collaborate” with Vincent Labrune. In an interview with Oxygene Radio, the leader nevertheless admitted to having requested a precise report from the Ligue 2 college, after the disputes over the votes. “We held a college on Tuesday morning, with decisions that were taken, and which, perhaps, were not respected in substance. I asked that the report be precise, done, and that from that we can continue to discuss to move forward,” he announced.

- RMC Sport


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