UCI offers rewards for information on tech fraud

On the sidelines of the world championships currently taking place in Zurich, the Union Cycliste Internationale has unveiled a new rewards program.

To further strengthen its system to combat technological fraud (magnetometric tablets, X-rays and RFID radio frequency identification), the UCI has launched a rewards program aimed at encouraging people with information on this subject to communicate it – confidentially – to the UCI via two channels.

This “Fight against technological fraud – Rewards Program” program is called “FATF-RP”, its acronym in English.

The FATF-RP aims to improve the UCI’s collection of actionable intelligence regarding current risks, threats and tactics, including how unauthorized propulsion methods (including engines) are deployed in bicycles and used during races. This initiative aims to encourage people who have crucial information but are hesitant to come forward and share it, providing the UCI with an additional tool in its fight against technological fraud.

Particular emphasis will be placed on the collection of information relating to the use of technological advances relating to hidden engines and other propulsion methods, thus enabling targeted controls and in-depth investigations, including into past cases of fraud.

Ultimately, this initiative underlines the UCI’s commitment to eradicating technological fraud at the highest levels, reinforcing its commitment to preserving fairness and integrity in cycling.

The objective of this program is to provide the UCI with an additional means to detect, deter and investigate possible cases of technological fraud or attempted fraud through the use of new and innovative technologies – and with difficulty. detectable – in bicycles, during cycling competitions.

The collection of information – with the aim of supporting targeted testing and in-depth investigations – is facilitated by financial incentives, assistance and/or rewards. These measures aim to encourage people, who would otherwise not voluntarily come forward and/or provide the UCI, with essential information on technological fraud.

This program sets up an innovative mechanism allowing the UCI to award such financial rewards and/or incentives through a clear policy. It also includes processing, corroborating and evaluating the information received, as well as establishing a review and approval process for awarding awards.

The program will be open to individuals or entities, whether licensed/registered with the UCI or not, who voluntarily and in good faith provide relevant information on technological fraud in cycling.

This includes informants, whistleblowers or any other source who voluntarily and in good faith provides information that materially assists in the detection, investigation or prevention of technological fraud in connection with a past or future cycling competition under the authority of the UCI and involving licensees.

Requests under the FATF-RP will be considered at the discretion of the UCI and will only be granted after determining the veracity of the information provided and evaluating its probative value. This includes, but is not limited to, its contribution to the initiation of an investigation or disciplinary procedure in relation to an alleged case of technological fraud in accordance with the UCI Regulations.

The UCI takes into account all relevant factors in terms of value or relevance of the information, such as:

  • the quality and reliability of the information provided;
  • the relevance of the information in order to establish the alleged technological fraud;
  • the extent of general assistance and cooperation shown by the source throughout the process; or • any other factor likely to increase the value or relevance of the information.

The UCI also considers relevant factors relating to the circumstances of the disclosure, including, but not limited to:

  • the personal circumstances of the source, including potential risks or difficulties encountered following its disclosure;
  • the sources’ underlying motivations for disclosing the information;
  • the obligations of sources under the UCI Regulations (including in particular the UCI Code of Ethics) if they are licensed; Or
  • the legality of the acquisition of the information disclosed.

To encourage the reporting of actionable information regarding technological fraud in cycling, the FATF-RP provides different types of rewards for eligible individuals or entities, as follows:

  • Material Support (“Support”)
  • Financial assistance (“Financial Assistance”)
  • Monetary or valuable reward (“Reward”)

These measures are designed to adequately compensate individuals or entities who provide valuable information that contributes to the detection, prevention or investigation of fraudulent activity. The extent of the compensation or reward takes into consideration the effort
material and potential investment provided by the source as well as the potential risk of harm or repercussion due to such disclosure.

Requests can be submitted:



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