Facing Léa Salamé, a Paralympic athlete talks about his exchanges with the President of the Republic

Facing Léa Salamé, a Paralympic athlete talks about his exchanges with the President of the Republic

Rémy Boullé was a guest on the latest issue of “Quels jeux!”, the essential talk show on Channel 2, broadcast on Saturday, September 7.

“Quels jeux” is over! Last night, Léa Salamé hosted the Olympic version of the “Quelle époque” program for the very last time. Alongside Laurent Luyat and Paul de Saint Sernin, she notably welcomed Rémy Boullé, former paratrooper commando and bronze medalist in the 200m kayak, the same day.

“He is a very human person”

On the France 2 set, the Paralympic athlete said about Emmanuel Macron: “To be completely honest with you, for example, just now at 3:30 p.m., I went to see President Macron in a private meeting. But you mustn’t say that, you mustn’t say it on TV… No, no, no, I’m joking. But we talked a lot with the President. I know that he’s someone who helped me a lot, President Macron. On a human level, he helped the wounded soldiers a lot. He’s a very, very human person! And he really helped me a lot. And luckily he was there for me..”

Facing the other guests present around the table, Rémy Boullé continued willingly about the head of state: “We talked. And I told him: “You know, there are small things that are concrete. And for example, for the handicap, creating magnetic chips. You know when we put them on our windshield, so that the police can flash them, well already we would reduce by half the fake cards and therefore we would reduce by half the people who park in handicapped spaces. And so I…

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