PTEF, Shift Project’s transformation plan to decarbonize the economy | Big media

Coming out of the Covid-19 health crisis, The Shift Project set itself a bold challenge: to offer a comprehensive vision for decarbonize the French economy in order to guarantee our collective future. From there was born the Plan for the Transformation of the French Economy, a collection of 15 reports for an economy that emits less greenhouse gas (GHG)more resilient and generating sustainable jobs. Big Media looks back at this major initiative.

What is the French Economic Transformation Plan (PTEF)?

The French Economy Transformation Plan (PTEF) is a comprehensive and pragmatic roadmap developed by The Shift Project starting in 2020. It puts forward concrete solutions and detailed scenarios to decarbonize the French economy in a realistic and coherent manner, improve resilience to environmental and energy challenges and promote employment.

Origin and implementation artwork you PTEF

The plan was initiated by The Shift Project, a climate-energy think tank created in 2010. Working for an economy freed from carbon constraints, guided by scientific rigor, the latter intends to influence the debate on the energy transition in Europe with the support of economic leaders.

Initially consisting of a global vision report, published in 2020, the PTEF has been expanded to include reports detailing sectoral measures. To draft them, The Shift Project relied on:

  • a broad consultation of experts and stakeholders from various sectors;
  • a systemic and pragmatic approach in order to present immediately feasible measures, without betting on uncertain technological advances or hypothetical economic growth.

Source : The Shift Project

Objectives of the French Economic Transformation Plan (PTEF)

The PTEP is intended first and foremost to be a planning tool for the transition of the economy, proposing quantified and convincing economic models for political decision-makers.

The ultimate goal is to meet the commitments of the Paris Agreement and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the French economy by 5% per year from 2022, by proposing concrete solutions to:

  • reduce dependence on fossil fuels;
  • transform key sectors;
  • promote behavioral changes towards more carbon-efficient lifestyles and consumption.

The PTEF intervention sectors and their decarbonization levers

The PTEF covers 15 sectors divided into three main categories (“uses”, “services” and “upstream”) as well as cross-cutting projects.

  • Public administration : Implementation of an exemplary public order in decarbonization > 20% of the tertiary real estate portfolio must be renovated.
  • Agriculture : Reduction of animal production and reduction of food waste > 25% of National GHG emissions come from agriculturea large part of which is linked to intensive livestock farming.
  • Culture : Promotion you sustainable tourism and environmentally friendly cultural practices > 22% of the working population employed in the cultural and tourism sector.
  • Energy : Transition to a balanced electricity mix comprising 50% nuclear and 50%renewable energies > 9% of national GHG emissions are attributed to energy production.
  • Finance : Reorientation of investments in sustainable projects and low-carbon solutions, strengthening the role of the State in the energy transition.
  • Fret : Promotion of river and rail transport to reduce dependence on road transport > 89% of goods are currently transported by road, a significant share of GHG emissions in this sector.
  • Automobile industry : Electrification of vehicles and reduction of individual car use > 20% of national GHG emissions come from the automobile industry and personal vehicles.
  • Heavy industry : 80% reduction in emissions through improved industrial processes and promotion of sobriety > 20% of national GHG emissions are generated by heavy industry.
  • Accommodation : Achieving total independence from fossil fuels in buildings through massive energy renovations > 36 million homes in France require renovations to improve energy efficiency and reduce GHG emissions.
  • Long distance mobility : Increase in train use and reduction of flights > 85% of distances travelled in France for long distance journeys are made by plane or car.
  • Daily mobility : Encourage the sustainable mobility by reducing dependence on private cars and promoting alternatives such as cycling, walking and public transport > 83% of distances travelled daily are by car.
  • Health : Integrate environmental protection as a priority for public health, in particular by reducing air pollution > 8% of national GHG emissions are associated with health infrastructure and medical equipment.
  • Digital uses : Establishment of sustainable governance and regulation of digital uses > The GHG emissions linked to digital uses are growing by 6% per year.
  • Cities and territories : Adapting to heat waves and reducing energy poverty through better urban planning > The frequency of heat waves is expected to triple.

Critical issues and challenges related to the implementation of The Shift Project’s plan for a low-carbon France

Although pragmatic, the French Economy Transformation Plan must address three major challenges:

  • the need for massive funding for its implementation: just to decarbonize the building sector, for example, it will be necessary to mobilize 20 to 30 billion euros of additional annual investment in renovation by 2030(2) ;
  • social acceptance of new, more carbon-efficient behaviors in terms of mobility, energy consumption, food, housing, etc.;
  • close coordination between public authorities (local, regional, national) and economic sectors (industry, agriculture, finance, etc.).

These challenges highlight the complexity of the energy and ecological transitionrequiring concerted efforts and careful planning to overcome obstacles.

Sources :

  1. Summary report – The Shift Project
  2. Energy renovation of buildings: what workforce needs in 2030? – France Strategy

The French Economy Transformation Plan – Website – The Shift Project

The French Economy Transformation Plan – Press release – The Shift Project



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