Flu and Covid-19: men respect barrier gestures less than women

Flu and Covid-19: men respect barrier gestures less than women
Flu and Covid-19: men respect barrier gestures less than women

AWhen the vaccination campaign begins on Tuesday October 15, a survey carried out in September 2024 by Public Health reveals that 59% of people eligible for the new dose of vaccine against Covid-19 plan to be vaccinated this fall.

Among people at risk of serious forms, 50% wish to be vaccinated against both influenza and Covid-19, a stable figure compared to 2023. However, 23% of people at risk do not wish to have either vaccine. .

Low adoption of barrier gestures

The study shows low adoption of barrier gestures: 43% of respondents never wear a mask. “And this in all circumstances, even in the event of symptoms, in the presence of vulnerable people or in busy places”, we can read in the results sheet of the CoviPrev survey, which is used to monitor the evolution of the adoption of preventive behaviors

On the contrary, 29% wear it often or systematically. Wearing a mask remains more motivated by the fear of a new wave of Covid-19 than by the flu or other winter illnesses. Furthermore, 15% of respondents declared that no reason would push them to continue or increase the adoption of barrier gestures (compared to 13% in September 2023).

Also, almost one in ten French people (7%) say they never wash their hands with soap or hydroalcoholic gel.

“On average, whatever the barrier gesture concerned, the proportion of respondents declaring never respecting them was higher among men, people in a situation of inactivity, people unfavorable to vaccination in general, people declaring not be at risk of a severe form of Covid-19, as well as people residing in rural areas,” explains Public Health France.



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