Gare – Flandres: a new super gourmet brand is setting up on the platforms!

Gare – Flandres: a new super gourmet brand is setting up on the platforms!
Gare Lille – Flandres: a new super gourmet brand is setting up on the platforms!


Sabrina Khelil

Published on

11 oct. 2024 à 12h52

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You have undoubtedly noticed that “Donuts&Donuts” shops are springing up like mushrooms in the and Pas-de-. Recently, the brand has also been exported to the southern half of , with a point of sale in and another in . But did you know that the adventure began in Lille ? It was in 2021, rue du Sec-Arembault. At the time, Sandrine Bensoussan and her two children, Mathias and Manon, were looking to bounce back from the Fooding Family adventure, a small canteen which did not withstand the Covid-19 health crisis. You have to get some fresh air, find inspiration and Above all, do not fail.Returning from a trip to the United States, the idea is clear: the family is going to launch into I gave them this round and often colorful donut, popularized by the series The Simpsons.

A gourmet corner at Lille Flandres station

Since then, we haven’t stopped them! And October 2024 will undoubtedly mark a turning point in this gourmet project since, in addition to a new boutique on rue Faidherbe which opened at the beginning of the month, the family is inaugurating a corner on the platforms of Gare Lille Flandres this Friday, October 11. “We won a competition launched by the SNCF, it’s a source of great pride for us,” comments Sandrine. In total, Donuts and Donuts has ten own points of sale and seven franchisees.

The family explains this success by the “atypical” side of the concept. “People come because the decor is original. There is a smell, an atmosphere. The staff has pep. » Well, they probably also come for the price – the cheapest donut is €2.50– and for the donuts anyway! Because Donuts&Donuts has real advantages: the products sold in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais stores are made in Lille, in their laboratory on rue Gambetta. The donut menu changes every weekunder the direction of his son, Mathias, who can boast of extensive experience in renowned establishments such as Meert, La Laiterie or L’Empreinte ().

The other ingredient for success is location. “Opening for the sake of opening doesn’t interest uspoints out Sandrine. What we seek above all is to have the best possible location and become The Place To Be“. And why not set up abroad then? “We have had requests for franchises in Spain, in Poland… But that is not in our plans at the moment. We already have a lot to do in France! » Even if Mathias doesn’t hide it: “the holy grail for us would still be to one day have our store in New York! »

Donuts & Donuts points of sale in Lille: rue du Sec-Arembault, rue Faidherbe, rue Gambetta and Gare Lille Flandres.

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